The Salvador Dalí Action Figure

First came the Fri­da Kahlo Action Fig­ure, the Edvard Munch Scream Action Fig­ure, and the Vin­cent Van Gogh Action Fig­ure, Com­plete with Detach­able Ear. And soon they can all pal around with the Sal­vador Dalí Action Fig­ure.

With six days to go, 693 back­ers have pledged $15,676 to a Kick­starter cam­paign that’s hop­ing to raise a total of $26,158. Should they reach that goal, a com­pa­ny called Today Is Art Day will put into pro­duc­tion a charm­ing Dali fig­ure. Stand­ing five inch­es tall, the fig­ure “comes with 3 sets of wacky inter­change­able mus­tach­es” and “deluxe mus­tach­es made of stain­less steel.” The Dalí fig­ure “holds his sig­na­ture melt­ing clock,” and there are five Dalí mas­ter­pieces to dis­play on a minia­ture easel. Appar­ent­ly endorsed by the Gala-Sal­vador Dalí Foun­da­tion, the fig­ure should go into pro­duc­tion this August. Help Kick­start things here.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Intro­duc­ing the Librar­i­an Action Fig­ure: The Caped Cru­sad­er Who Fights Against Anti-Intel­lec­tu­al­ism, Igno­rance & Cen­sor­ship Every­where

The Edvard Munch Scream Action Fig­ure

The Fri­da Kahlo Action Fig­ure

The Vin­cent Van Gogh Action Fig­ure, Com­plete with Detach­able Ear

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