Malcolm Gladwell and Rick Rubin Launch a New Music Podcast, Broken Record: Listen Online

This past month, Mal­colm Glad­well (author), Rick Rubin (record pro­duc­er), and Bruce Head­lam (media desk edi­tor of the New York Times) teamed up to launch Bro­ken Record. It’s a music pod­cast that dou­bles as “lin­er notes for the dig­i­tal age.” Or, as Glad­well tells Rolling Stone, it’s “a kind of musi­cal vari­ety show.” Some episodes offer an in-depth nar­ra­tive. Oth­ers fea­ture mini per­for­mances and inter­views with musicians–plus an assort­ment of “digres­sions, argu­ments, back-sto­ries, and ran­dom things to dis­agree with about music.”

The episodes released so far can be streamed online here. For new episodes, sub­scribe to the pod­cast via iTunes or Spo­ti­fy. The lat­est episode with Niles Rodgers and Chic appears below:

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Mal­colm Glad­well on Why Genius Takes Time: A Look at the Mak­ing of Elvis Costello’s “Depor­tee” & Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah”

Rick Rubin Revis­its the Ori­gins of Def Jam Records & the NYU Dorm Room Where It All Began

Mal­colm Glad­well Teach­ing His First Online Course: A Mas­ter Class on How to Turn Big Ideas into Pow­er­ful Sto­ries

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