Heads up: CreÂative ComÂmons has offiÂcialÂly launched CC Search, a search engine that indexÂes over 300 milÂlion images from 19 image colÂlecÂtions, “includÂing culÂturÂal works from museÂums (the MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtan MuseÂum of Art, CleveÂland MuseÂum of Art), graphÂic designs and art works (Behance, DeviantArt), phoÂtos from Flickr, and an iniÂtial set of CC0 3D designs from ThinÂgiÂverse.” All of the indexed images are in the pubÂlic domain and released under CreÂative ComÂmons licenses–meaning the images are genÂerÂalÂly free to use in a non-comÂmerÂcial setÂting.
Head here to start searchÂing.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
List of Great PubÂlic Domain Films
Just a note of thanks for proÂvidÂing this great serÂvice.
I wanÂna learn koreÂan and EngÂlish you can help me