In what looks/sounds like his first appearÂance on The Tonight Show StarÂring JohnÂny CarÂson, Steve MarÂtin perÂforms a groundÂbreakÂing comÂeÂdy rouÂtine. As you’ll see, you might not get the jokes. But your dogs will. Although recordÂed 46 years ago (FebÂruÂary 15, 1973), the pooches will laugh as hard now as they did then.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Steve MarÂtin TeachÂes His First Online Course on ComÂeÂdy
Steve MarÂtin Writes a Hymn for Hymn-Less AtheÂists
A great piece, no doubt, but likeÂly not his debut. Steve MarÂtin appeared to expect a seat next to JohnÂny CarÂson after the bit, which is not a guarÂanÂtee for new perÂformÂers.
Yes. Also around 7:15 JohnÂny CarÂson says “You did some magÂic for us one night. Got anyÂthing left?”