Johns HopÂkins has creÂatÂed an interÂacÂtive webÂsite that tracks the spread of the coroÂnÂavirus around the globe. The site is updatÂed daiÂly, if not sevÂerÂal times per day. And it shows the numÂber of conÂfirmed coroÂnÂavirus casÂes around the globe (along with the preÂcise locaÂtion on a map), the numÂber of peoÂple who have recovÂered from the virus, and the total numÂber who have perÂished. With the report today that Italy has seen coroÂnÂavirus spike from 3 casÂes, to 132 230, in a matÂter of days, it does look like coroÂnÂavirus is takÂing on a more globÂal dimenÂsion. That’s all reflectÂed on the Johns HopÂkins site, whose data is drawn from the WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC and DXY. You can read more about the interÂacÂtive webÂsite at The Lancet.
Find inforÂmaÂtion about the CoroÂnÂavirus at this dedÂiÂcatÂed CDC webÂsite.
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Not preÂcise. The red dot on the UK would sugÂgest all the casÂes are near Carlisle. Most of the UK casÂes are in the south of EngÂland and none are in the area of Carlisle.
You usuÂalÂly just put a dot someÂwhere in the counÂtry. Data repÂreÂsents casÂes per counÂtry, it is not relatÂed to the speÂcifÂic counÂtries locaÂtion.