The Met Opera Streaming Free Operas Online to Get You Through COVID-19

Image by Lech­hansl, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

On its web­site, the Met Opera announced that “effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly, all per­for­mances have been can­celed through March 31 because of coro­n­avirus con­cerns.” But that does­n’t mean audi­ences can’t get their fill of opera per­for­mances. Accord­ing to Opera Wire, in an “effort to con­tin­ue pro­vid­ing opera to its audi­ence mem­bers, the Met Opera will host ‘Night­ly Met Opera Streams’ on its offi­cial web­site to audi­ences world­wide.” They add:

These free streams will present encores of past per­for­mances from its famed Live in HD series. The encore pre­sen­ta­tions will begin at 7:30 p.m. each night on the company’s offi­cial web­site and will then be avail­able for an addi­tion­al 20 hours there­after. Each show­case will also be view­able on the Met Opera on demand apps.

Head over Met Oper­a’s site where they’re stream­ing Car­men now

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

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Comments (7)
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  • Donald Hess says:

    We are not able to find a way to log into the free opera series. HELP, please

  • Doris Pagelkopf says:

    No one I know can log in to the opera. Is this spam?

  • Wendy Rothfield says:

    I find it impos­si­ble to log in. I am besieged by request s for mon­ey.
    I would like to see and hear the FREE operas.
    Is this a scam, bait and switch??????

  • Howard herman says:

    It is a SCAM. Plays for a few min­utes then requests pay­ment or it ends I a ashamed that I was a patron years ago !!!!!!

  • Valerie Antonietti says:

    I am so sick of try­ing to log in… saw the first three and now each time I try to access am told my pass­word does­n’t work…try to get anoth­er one and that does­n’t …so, so frus­trat­ing… I get real­ly nice emails telling me to try again, I do but it does­n’t work.….. not easy.….and I would have loved to have been able to watch after a month of lock­down!

  • Kwan Soo says:

    Fab­u­lous. Thank you very much.


  • william greeby says:

    Hi I thought this was free!!! Find­ing oth­ers hav­ing same prob­lem shame on you MET!!!!

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.