Roger Waters Performs a Socially-Distanced Version of Pink Floyd’s “Mother”

The video comes pref­aced with these words: “Social dis­tanc­ing is a nec­es­sary evil in Covid world. Watch­ing ‘Moth­er’ reminds me just how irre­place­able the joy of being in a band is.”

He’s joined here by his band: vocal­ists Hol­ly Lae­sig and Jess Wolfe of Lucius, key­boardist Drew Erick­son, gui­tarists Dave Kilmin­ster and Jonathan Wil­son, bassist Gus Seyf­fert, and drum­mer Joey Waronker.

Find more social­ly dis­tanced per­for­mances in the Relat­eds below.

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via Jam­base

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch the Rolling Stones Play “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” While Social Dis­tanc­ing in Quar­an­tine

Neil Finn Sings a Love­ly Ver­sion of David Bowie’s “Heroes,” Live from Home

Juil­liard Stu­dents & the New York Phil­har­mon­ic Per­form Ravel’s Bolero While Social Dis­tanc­ing in Quar­an­tine

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  • Jeff Skelton says:

    I have been inspired by the music and look­ing for­ward to see­ing Roger Waters in Nashville Ten­nessee when­ev­er our nation gets under con­trol

  • Jason says:

    I am so over Roger Waters and his insane polit­i­cal rav­ings. I often imag­ine he is in the Fletch­er Memo­r­i­al Home full of burn out and has been rock­stars.

  • Todd Milner says:

    His/ their music so tran­scends your lit­tle beef about him. I said in ’75 this music would live for­ev­er and I still stand by that. Take the music dude and breathe it. Appre­ci­ate it. Live It!

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