FYI. To help supÂport everyÂone durÂing the COVID-19 lockÂdown, Springer has released a ton of free textÂbooks. Since the Springer webÂsite isn’t super user-friendÂly, someÂone creÂatÂed a webÂpage that makes it easÂiÂer to find and even downÂload these texts. The books will remain free at least through the end of July. So start rumÂmagÂing now.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties1,000 Free Audio Books: DownÂload Great Books for Free
The 150 Best PodÂcasts to Enrich Your Mind
Springer. JerÂry Springer
HapÂpy mornÂing, i want the book medÂiÂcine in India: modÂern periÂod by O.P.Jaggi please send me. thank y
I want to learn how to write papers
IntroÂducÂtion to AgriÂculÂturÂal
Thank you to the organÂisÂers and volÂunÂteers for this winderÂful resource — it is so greatÂly appreÂciÂatÂed.