“You saw nothÂing in HiroshiÂma. NothÂing,” says Eiji OkaÂda in the openÂing of Alain Resnais’ HiroshiÂma mon amour. “I saw everyÂthing,” replies Emmanuelle Riva. “EveryÂthing.” The film goes on to show the effects of the AmerÂiÂcan atomÂic-bomb attack that devÂasÂtatÂed the titÂuÂlar city nearÂly fifÂteen years before. This was the first many viewÂers had seen of the legaÂcy of that unpreceÂdentÂed act of destrucÂtion, and now, six decades latÂer, the culÂturÂal image of HiroshiÂma has conÂflatÂed Resnais’ stark French New Wave vision with actuÂal wartime docÂuÂmenÂtary mateÂriÂals. By now, we’ve all seen conÂtemÂpoÂrary phoÂtographs (and even film clips) of the fate of HiroshiÂma and subÂseÂquentÂly atomÂic-bombed NagasaÂki. Can we regard this world-hisÂtoric destrucÂtion with fresh eyes?
A YoutuÂber known as Rick88888888 offers one way of potenÂtialÂly doing so: almost half an hour of colÂorized (as well as motion-staÂbiÂlized, de-noised, and othÂerÂwise enhanced) footage of not just the exploÂsions themÂselves, but the ruined JapanÂese cities and their strugÂgling surÂvivors, the airÂplanes that perÂformed the bombÂing, and the UnitÂed States PresÂiÂdent who ordered it. “The JapanÂese began the war from the air at Pearl HarÂbor,” says HarÂry TruÂman in a broadÂcast on August 6, 1945, the day of the attack on HiroshiÂma. “They have been repaid many fold. And the end is not yet.” From the PresÂiÂdent, the AmerÂiÂcan pubÂlic first learned of the develÂopÂment of an atomÂic bomb, “a harÂnessÂing of the basic powÂer of the uniÂverse. The force from which the sun draws its powÂer has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East.”
As we know now, this was the fruit of the ManÂhatÂtan Project, the secret U.S.-led research-and-develÂopÂment effort that creÂatÂed the first nuclear weapons. Its sucÂcess, TruÂman says, preÂpared the Allies to “oblitÂerÂate more rapidÂly and comÂpleteÂly every proÂducÂtive enterÂprise the JapanÂese have above ground in any city. We shall destroy their docks, their facÂtoÂries, and their comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions. Let there be no misÂtake; we shall comÂpleteÂly destroy Japan’s powÂer to make war.” That they did, although milÂiÂtary hisÂtoÂriÂans argue about about the jusÂtiÂfiÂaÂbilÂiÂty of dropÂping “the bomb” as well as the exact extent it played in the ultiÂmate Allied vicÂtoÂry. But nobody can argue with the strikÂing vividÂness of these “colÂor” motion picÂtures of the event itself and its afterÂmath, which reminds us that the era of potenÂtial nuclear anniÂhiÂlaÂtion doesÂn’t belong to the disÂtant past — rather, it’s a chapÂter of hisÂtoÂry that has only just begun.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
HauntÂing UneditÂed Footage of the BombÂing of NagasaÂki (1945)
HiroshiÂma After the AtomÂic Bomb in 360 Degrees
Way of Life: Rare Footage of the HiroshiÂma AfterÂmath, 1946
PhoÂtos of HiroshiÂma by HiroshiÂma Mon Amour Star Emmanuelle Riva (1958)
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall, on FaceÂbook, or on InstaÂgram.
I am sick and tired of the focus on the 2 atomÂic bombs dropped to end WWII. How come these are the focus of the war with Japan when no one disÂcussÂes the 10s of thouÂsands of peoÂple killed by Japan. The numÂbers killed by Japan are far more (expoÂnenÂtialÂly) than those killed by these bombs. As an aside, the US might not have been involved if the JapanÂese did not bomb the US in a sneak attack.
Of course we canÂnot talk about the atrocÂiÂties comÂmitÂted by the JapanÂese in prisÂonÂer of war and conÂcenÂtraÂtion camps or the “ComÂfort women” the JapanÂese took from ChiÂna and Korea.
CrimÂiÂnals proud of their crimes. UnitÂed States comÂmitÂted more crimes and atrocÂiÂties than hitler , the only counÂtry in modÂern hisÂtoÂry to cause more wars and mayÂhem worldÂwide than hitler
Spot on Mel!
I once saw a bumper stickÂer that read. If there had not been a Pearl HarÂbor there would have nevÂer been a HiroshiÂma. My dad fought the JapanÂese in BurÂma ChiÂna India camÂpaign he was on of the forÂtuÂnate ones to come home
Japan deserved atomÂic bomb for their crime comÂmitÂted in asian counÂtries
Most peoÂple of the world, like those in USA or Japan are not in charge of their govÂernÂments and canÂnot be fulÂly responÂsiÂble for crimes their so called leadÂers plan to comÂmit or have already comÂmitÂed in the name of some fabÂriÂcatÂed highÂer morals or etiÂcal reaÂsons.
Guilt of meny horÂriÂble acts have been disÂtribÂuted trough colecÂtive conÂsciÂuÂosÂness of so called nations, so the real thugs can escape conÂseÂqunces and avoid jusÂtice.
Infact what govÂernÂment want is total domÂiÂnance and conÂtrol over their popÂuÂlaÂtion either through use of force or trough peoÂples will to comitÂment, it can then conÂtinÂue to manipÂuÂlate pubÂlic opinÂion mostÂly towards its own advanÂtages for the benÂeÂfit of few.
I agree…that we should disÂcuss the beginÂning the midÂdle and the end. Just before a civilÂian prison was libÂerÂatÂed for examÂple, the JapanÂese forces slaughÂtered many civilÂians before they fled
Hear, hear! The Nanking MasÂsacre resultÂed in the murÂder of 300,000 ChiÂnese civilÂians alone by the JapanÂese troops. This does not include every othÂer masÂsacre they were responÂsiÂble for on mainÂland ChiÂna, and mulÂtiÂple othÂer islands in the PacifÂic. The U. S. didÂn’t come anyÂwhere close to the numÂber of civilÂians killed by the JapanÂese troops. Nor did our solÂdiers make a game of how many peoÂple they could kill! It is amazÂing to me that the U. S. is always potraitÂed as the “bad guys” in every conÂflict, regardÂless of the sitÂuÂaÂtion. I am sick of it! A lot of you fools need to read a litÂtle bit and get the facts, before spoutÂing nonÂsense! And it would behoove many of the nay-sayÂers to also read about the torÂtures of AmerÂiÂcan, AusÂtralian, French, Dutch, ChiÂnese, Phillipino, KoreÂan, etc. POW’s who were sysÂtemÂatÂiÂcalÂly beatÂen, starved, worked to death, beheadÂed, burned alive, and buried alive, used for bayÂoÂnet pracÂtice, etc. JapanÂese solÂdiers made the “SS” look like choir boys. And in all of this, Japan has nevÂer apolÂoÂgized for the atrocÂiÂties, paid their debt to the U. S. for monies we lent them to rebuild, nor paid ANY fines that were assessed by the world Court for war atrocÂiÂties and damÂages. Don’t ever misÂtake the U. S. for being the bad guys here. InterÂnaÂtionÂalÂly the GerÂmans were much more reviled, brought to see their probÂlems and conÂtinÂue to eduÂcate their chilÂdren about the “HoloÂcaust”. The JapanÂese have nevÂer even acknowlÂedged their atrocÂiÂties, nor paid any retÂriÂbuÂtion!
BS, read your hisÂtoÂry, we didn’t start the way with Japan or GerÂmany, Hilter had milÂlions killed before we ever got into the war.
Your knowlÂedge of hisÂtoÂry rivals that of a 5 year old. Please shut the hell up for everyÂone with a brain’s sake.
Evil. Absolute evil. ImagÂine being this proud of your abilÂiÂty to decÂiÂmate a city and its civilÂians this way. PointÂing out the destrucÂtion to the school like it’s an achieveÂment. All the innoÂcent peoÂple who were killed, includÂing chilÂdren. How can anyÂone look at this and feel PRIDE???? How can anyÂone look at this and want to CELEBRATE???? AbsoluteÂly disÂgustÂing.
Shame on the U.S.A. Shame on us. I hope every sinÂgle perÂson involved in the planÂning and/or develÂopÂment and deployÂment burns in hell for eterÂniÂty for this, along with every sinÂgle perÂson that celÂeÂbratÂed it. There are no words to describe how utterÂly abhorÂrent this is.
yeah what you all said. and just sikÂish. celÂeÂbrate each mornÂing with a repeatÂed viewÂing of atmoic bomb footage.
They are the only 2 nuclear attacks on a counÂtry! What would you preÂfer they comÂpare to the present and the future? There’s no doubt that the US is the ONLY counÂtry in the entire world that has ever used nuclear weapons against an eneÂmy. Stick around though — I’m sure the RussÂian monÂster (Vlad) will only be hapÂpy when he has used those tacÂtics as well. AtrocÂiÂties that you’re referÂring to were all conÂvenÂtionÂal in nature. Japan had no nuclear anyÂthing! It’s a shame when the peoÂple of the only counÂtry to ever use a nuclear anyÂthing on anyÂone points to someÂthing else, almost as if you’d like to disÂtract peoÂple from what our counÂtry, the UnitÂed States of AmerÂiÂca, did. I have no more words for you, except this. In today’s world, once you use a nuke, it’s basiÂcalÂly game over for most of the world, whether they were hit directÂly or not. RadiÂaÂtion in the form of nuclear fallÂout will be inescapable, assumÂing you surÂvive the iniÂtial blast. Man, there are times (like this), when I quesÂtion the sanÂiÂty of my felÂlow AmerÂiÂcans…
Would of been worse for them if we kept fire bombÂing every city. Japan is a rotÂten empire. They masÂsaÂcred milÂlions of innoÂcent peoÂple.
WithÂout dropÂping two atomÂic bombs USA could have shown its streÂanth to the Japan. CivilÂians are not responÂsiÂble for the war. UltiÂmate CivilÂians had to sufÂfer for AtomÂic bombs. I think USA has done injusÂtices too JapanÂese civilÂians.
Mel…shut up please nobody realÂly cares because both sides are dumb and shouldn’t of done this and that so yea shut up
Shut up Mel nobody cares. the us shouldn’t of dropped the bombÂshell on japan and when they did they probÂaÂbly killed more peoÂple than the JapanÂese did espeÂcialÂly when they dropped two bombs and also withÂout the JapanÂese you wouldn’t have ramen nooÂdles stuÂpid so shut up
DurÂing the earÂly stages of JapanÂese conÂtrol of EastÂern Asia. Human experÂiÂments were being conÂductÂed on prisÂonÂers of war. All resultÂing in death, none surÂvived. CovÂer ups were attemptÂed, some leaked out. The US doesÂn’t have clean hands on this one, still we are not to blame. The soviÂet union wasÂn’t much betÂter. Why spend alot monÂey on develÂopÂment on bioÂchemÂiÂcal weapons when someÂone did the work already plus its free? Go see unit 731.
Lmao that such the biggest load of BS I’ve ever heard… LitÂerÂalÂly the dumbÂest sh*t I’ve ever heard…
The above is a reply to:
“CrimÂiÂnals proud of their crimes. UnitÂed States comÂmitÂted more crimes and atrocÂiÂties than hitler , the only counÂtry in modÂern hisÂtoÂry to cause more wars and mayÂhem worldÂwide than hitler”
@Your mum — That is not true at all, not in the case of the JapanÂese. There was hardÂly a pracÂtiÂcal soluÂtion to disÂabling the JapanÂese war machine othÂer than devÂasÂtatÂing civilÂian popÂuÂlaÂtions. Unlike most counÂtries in WW2 the JapanÂese almost entireÂly proÂduced all the machinÂery, equipÂment, and ammuÂniÂtion for their war machine in civilÂian homes pieceÂmeal, then to be shipped off to othÂer civilÂian housÂes to be assembled/built furÂther, until evenÂtuÂalÂly they were able to build an entire funcÂtionÂal Zero or a funcÂtionÂal bomb (or anyÂthing, realÂly).
I’m not exactÂly conÂfiÂdent that the US WOULDN’T have bombed civilÂian popÂuÂlaÂtions even if all of Japan’s outÂput hapÂpened in speÂcialÂly desÂigÂnatÂed facÂtoÂries and facÂtoÂry lines like was the case in GerÂmany, Britain, and the US, just because it proved to be such an effecÂtive tacÂtic in makÂing counÂtries capitÂuÂlate, but in the case of bombÂing Japan it was all unforÂtuÂnateÂly a necÂesÂsary evil. If we didÂn’t use the atom bombs we would have fireÂbombed all strateÂgiÂcalÂly imporÂtant cities. On top of conÂtinÂuÂing to devÂasÂtate cities with traÂdiÂtionÂal exploÂsive and incenÂdiÂary weapons the war would have also been extendÂed such that Japan would willÂingÂly have been using tens or hunÂdreds of thouÂsands of civilÂians in an effort to repel the US, willÂingÂly sacÂriÂficÂing them like catÂtle for the sake of “gloÂry” (I believe Japan even had an offiÂcial plan put togethÂer for this that’s been reportÂed on before, named someÂthing like “The gloÂriÂous death of a milÂlion” or some-such).
And that’s only talkÂing about JapanÂese civilÂians, it’s a sepÂaÂrate (and arguably more awful) disÂcusÂsion to speak of all the innoÂcent Asians in JapanÂese-occuÂpied counÂtries that would have conÂtinÂued to be raped, torÂtured, killed, and forced to kill themÂselves in an effort to push US solÂdiers back had the war conÂtinÂued.
@Wahdj. FinalÂly there is someÂone who knows hisÂtoÂry and what they are writÂing about. Thank you for takÂing the time to explain the sitÂuÂaÂtion to the cretins who did not pay attenÂtion in World HisÂtoÂry class.