The Slo Mo Guys speÂcialÂize in takÂing everyÂday occurÂrences and slowÂing them down … way down, so that we can see them in a new way. In this clip, they let you see what hapÂpens when you talk withÂout a mask, and then with a mask–all in order to demonÂstrate why a mask helps preÂvent the transÂmisÂsion of COVID-19, a disÂease that’s mainÂly spread when peoÂple are exposed to resÂpiÂraÂtoÂry droplets carÂryÂing infecÂtious virus. Around the 4 minute mark, the host is joined by Dr. AnthoÂny FauÂci, who offers comÂmenÂtary on the footage.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Bill Nye Shows How Face Masks ActuÂalÂly ProÂtect You–and Why You Should Wear Them
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