Mick Jagger Takes Shots at Conspiracy Theorists & Anti-Vaxxers in a New Song, “Eazy Sleazy” (with Dave Grohl on Drums, Bass & Guitar)

Fol­low along with the lyrics below, or in the video above.

W’e took it on the chin
The num­bers were so grim
Bossed around by pricks
Stiff­en upper lips
Pac­ing in the yard
You’re try­ing to take the mick
You must think i’m real­ly thick

Look­ing at the graphs with a mag­ni­fy­ing glass
Can­cel all the tours foot­balls fake applause
No more trav­el brochures
Vir­tu­al pre­mieres
Ive got noth­ing left to wear

Look­ing out from these prison walls
You got to rob peter if you’re pay­ing paul
But its easy easy everything’s gonna get real­ly freaky
Alright on the night
Soon it ll be be a mem­o­ry you’re try­ing to remem­ber to for­get

That’s a pret­ty mask
But nev­er take a chance tik tok stu­pid dance
Took a sam­ba class i land­ed on my ass
Try­ing to write a tune you bet­ter hook me up to zoom
See my pon­cey books teach myself to cook
Way too much tv its lobot­o­mis­ing me
Think ive put on weight
Ill have anoth­er drink then ill clean the kitchen sink

We escaped from the prison walls
Open the win­dows and open the doors
But its easy easy
Every­thing s gonna get real­ly freaky
Alright on the night
Its gonna be a gar­den of earth­ly delights
Easy sleazy its gonna be smooth and greasy
Yeah easy believe me
Itll only be a mem­o­ry you’re try­ing to remem­ber
To for­get

Shoot­ing the vac­cine bill gates is in my blood­stream
Its mind con­trol
The earth is flat and cold its nev­er warm­ing up
The arc­tics turned to slush
The sec­ond com­ings late
There’s aliens in the deep state

We’ll escape from these prison walls
Now were out of these prison walls
You got­ta pay peter if you’re rob­bing paul
But its easy easy every­thing s gonna be real­ly freaky
Alright on the night
Were all head­ed back to par­adise
Yeah easy believe me
It’ll be a mem­o­ry you’re try­ing to remem­ber to for­get
Easy cheesy every­one sing please please me
It’ll be a mem­o­ry you’re try­ing to remem­ber to for­get

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