Foo Fighters Perform “Back in Black” with AC/DC’s Brian Johnson: When Live Music Returns

At Sat­ur­day’s ben­e­fit con­cert, “Vax Live: The Con­cert to Reunite the World,” the Foo Fight­ers took the stage and per­formed “Back in Black” with AC/DC’s Bri­an John­son. It’s a tan­ta­liz­ing taste of the world to come, if we all do our part…

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Demen­tia Patients Find Some Eter­nal Youth in the Sounds of AC/DC

1,000 Musi­cians Per­form Foo Fight­ers’ “Learn to Fly” in Uni­son in Italy

Rick Ast­ley Sings an Unex­pect­ed­ly Enchant­i­ng Cov­er of the Foo Fight­ers’ “Ever­long”


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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.