Bohemian Rhapsody Played on the Largest Pipe Organ in the World

Back in 2016, we showed you Queen’s “Bohemi­an Rhap­sody” get­ting played on a 1905 fair­ground organ. But now we’re step­ping it up a lev­el, and let­ting you behold this: organ­ist Joshua Stafford per­form­ing the same Queen clas­sic on a Mid­mer-Losh pipe organ. Built with 33,112 pipes, it’s appar­ent­ly the “largest pipe organ ever con­struct­ed, the largest musi­cal instru­ment ever con­struct­ed, and the loud­est musi­cal instru­ment ever con­struct­ed.” You can find it in the Main Audi­to­ri­um of the Board­walk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ. Enjoy.

h/t Allie

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Relat­ed Con­tent

1905 Fair­ground Organ Plays Queen’s “Bohemi­an Rhap­sody,” and It Works Like a Charm

Behold the Sea Organ: The Mas­sive Exper­i­men­tal Musi­cal Instru­ment That Makes Music with the Sea

Down­load the Com­plete Organ Works of J.S. Bach for Free

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