AccordÂing to NPR, “CafÂfeine is the most wideÂly conÂsumed drug in the world. Here in the U.S., accordÂing to a 2022 surÂvey, more than 93% of adults conÂsume cafÂfeine, and of those, 75% conÂsume cafÂfeine at least once a day.” GivÂen the prevaÂlence of cofÂfee worldÂwide, it pays to ask a simÂple quesÂtion: Is cofÂfee good for you? Above, James HoffÂmann, the author of The World Atlas of CofÂfee, proÂvides an overview of research examÂinÂing the relaÂtionÂship between cofÂfee and varÂiÂous dimenÂsions of health, includÂing the gut/microbiome, sleep, canÂcer, cogÂniÂtion, morÂtalÂiÂty and more. If you want to explore this subÂject more deeply, HoffÂmann has creÂatÂed a list of the research papers reviewed here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
PhilosoÂphers DrinkÂing CofÂfee: The ExcesÂsive Habits of Kant, Voltaire & Kierkegaard
How CofÂfee Affects Your Brain: A Very Quick Primer
Why CofÂfee Naps Will Perk You Up More Than Either CofÂfee, or Naps, Alone
Paul GiaÂmatÂti Plays HonÂorĂ© de Balzac, Hopped Up on 50 CofÂfees Per Day
I wish you would have covÂered freeze-dried instant cofÂfee, which I drink when pressed for time. Thank you.