Could you use a menÂtal escape? Maybe a trip to Mars will do the trick. Above, you can find high defÂiÂnÂiÂtion footage capÂtured by NASA’s three Mars rovers–Spirit, OpporÂtuÂniÂty and CuriosÂiÂty. The footage (also conÂtributed by JPL-CalÂtech, MSSS, CorÂnell UniÂverÂsiÂty and ASU) was stitched togethÂer by ElderÂFox DocÂuÂmenÂtaries, creÂatÂing what they call the most lifeÂlike expeÂriÂence of being on Mars. Adding more conÂtext, Elder Fox notes:
The footage, capÂtured directÂly by NASA’s Mars rovers — SpirÂit, OpporÂtuÂniÂty, CuriosÂiÂty, and PerÂseÂverÂance — unveils the red planÂet’s intriÂcate details. These rovers, actÂing as robotÂic geolÂoÂgists, have traÂversed varÂied terÂrains, from ancient lake beds to towÂerÂing mounÂtains, uncovÂerÂing Mars’ comÂplex geoÂlogÂiÂcal hisÂtoÂry.
As viewÂers enjoy these images, they will notice inforÂmal place names assigned by NASA’s team, proÂvidÂing conÂtext to the MarÂtÂian feaÂtures observed. Each rover’s unique jourÂney is highÂlightÂed, showÂcasÂing their conÂtriÂbuÂtions to MarÂtÂian exploÂration.
Safe travÂels.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Carl Sagan Presents Six LecÂtures on Earth, Mars & Our Solar SysÂtem … For Kids (1977)
Hear the Very First Sounds Ever RecordÂed on Mars, CourÂtesy of NASA
Looks beauÂtiÂful, all it needs is an ocean and I’d move there to starve to death..
fanÂtasÂmerÂgorÂiÂcal to say the least
Please keep them comÂing.