A cool tool. SoftÂware engiÂneer Ian WebÂster has creÂatÂed a webÂsite that lets you see how the land massÂes on planÂet Earth have changed over the course of 750 milÂlion years. And it has the added bonus of letÂting you plot modÂern addressÂes on these ancient land forÂmaÂtions. Ergo, you can see where your home was locatÂed on the Big Blue MarÂble some 20, 100, 500, or 750 milÂlion years ago. WebÂster’s project (access it here) is open source. Have fun.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Map ShowÂing Where Today’s CounÂtries Would Be LocatÂed on Pangea
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