Last fall, OpeÂnAI startÂed letÂting users creÂate cusÂtom verÂsions of ChatGPT–ones that would let peoÂple creÂate AI assisÂtants to comÂplete tasks in their perÂsonÂal or proÂfesÂsionÂal lives. In the months that folÂlowed, some users creÂatÂed AI apps that could genÂerÂate recipes and meals. OthÂers develÂoped GPTs to creÂate logos for their busiÂnessÂes. You get the picÂture.
If you’re interÂestÂed in develÂopÂing your own AI assisÂtant, VanÂderÂbilt comÂputÂer sciÂence proÂfesÂsor Jules White has released a free online course called “OpeÂnAI GPTs: CreÂatÂing Your Own CusÂtom AI AssisÂtants.” On averÂage, the course should take sevÂen hours to comÂplete.
Here’s how he frames the course:
This cutÂting-edge course will guide you through the excitÂing jourÂney of creÂatÂing and deployÂing cusÂtom GPTs that cater to diverse indusÂtries and appliÂcaÂtions. ImagÂine havÂing a virÂtuÂal assisÂtant that can tackÂle comÂplex legal docÂuÂment analyÂsis, streamÂline supÂply chain logisÂtics, or even assist in sciÂenÂtifÂic research and hypothÂeÂsis genÂerÂaÂtion. The posÂsiÂbilÂiÂties are endÂless! ThroughÂout the course, you’ll delve into the intriÂcaÂcies of buildÂing GPTs that can use your docÂuÂments to answer quesÂtions, patÂterns to creÂate amazÂing human and AI interÂacÂtion, and methÂods for cusÂtomizÂing the tone of your GPTs. You’ll learn how to design and impleÂment rigÂorÂous testÂing sceÂnarÂios to ensure your AI assisÂtanÂt’s accuÂraÂcy, reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty, and human-like comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion abilÂiÂties. PreÂpare to be amazed as you explore real-world examÂples and case studÂies, such as:
1. GPT for PerÂsonÂalÂized LearnÂing and EduÂcaÂtion: Craft a virÂtuÂal tutor that adapts its teachÂing approach based on each stuÂdenÂt’s learnÂing style, proÂvidÂing perÂsonÂalÂized lesÂson plans, interÂacÂtive exerÂcisÂes, and real-time feedÂback, transÂformÂing the eduÂcaÂtionÂal landÂscape.
2. CuliÂnary GPT: Your PerÂsonÂal Recipe Vault and Meal PlanÂning MaeÂstro. Step into a world where your culiÂnary creÂations come to life with the help of an AI assisÂtant that knows your recipes like the back of its hand. The CuliÂnary GPT is a cusÂtom-built lanÂguage modÂel designed to revÂoÂluÂtionÂize your kitchen expeÂriÂence, servÂing as a perÂsonÂal recipe vault and meal planÂning and shopÂping maeÂstro.
3. GPT for TravÂel and BusiÂness Expense ManÂageÂment: A GPT that can assist with all aspects of travÂel planÂning and busiÂness expense manÂageÂment. It could help users book flights, hotels, and transÂportaÂtion while adherÂing to comÂpaÂny poliÂcies and budÂgets. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, it could streamÂline expense reportÂing and reimÂburseÂment processÂes, ensurÂing comÂpliÂance and accuÂraÂcy.
4. GPT for MarÂketÂing and AdverÂtisÂing CamÂpaign ManÂageÂment: LeverÂage the powÂer of cusÂtom GPTs to anaÂlyze conÂsumer data, marÂket trends, and camÂpaign perÂforÂmance, genÂerÂatÂing tarÂgetÂed marÂketÂing strateÂgies, perÂsonÂalÂized mesÂsagÂing, and optiÂmizÂing ad placeÂment for maxÂiÂmum engageÂment and return on investÂment.
You can sign up for the course at no cost here. Or, alterÂnaÂtiveÂly, you can elect to pay $49 and receive a cerÂtifiÂcate at the end.
As a side note, Jules White (the proÂfesÂsor) also designed anothÂer course preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on OC. It focusÂes on prompt engiÂneerÂing for ChatPGÂPT.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
A New Course TeachÂes You How to Tap the PowÂers of ChatÂGÂPT and Put It to Work for You
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