What did ancient EgypÂtians sound like? What did they eat and drink? What ancient EgyptÂian medÂiÂcine and tools do we still use in modÂern times? Why did they pracÂtice mumÂmiÂfiÂcaÂtion? Above, LauÂrel Bestock, a proÂfesÂsor from Brown UniÂverÂsiÂty, disÂcussÂes everyÂthing you ever wantÂed to know about Ancient Egypt. Not a stranger to popÂuÂlar media productions—Bestock appears in a recent NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic proÂducÂtion, EgypÂt’s Lost WonÂders—the proÂfesÂsor fields every quesÂtion that comes her way, no matÂter how big or small. All along, she gives “outÂstandÂing and very down-to-earth explaÂnaÂtions,” notes a felÂlow proÂfesÂsor in the YouTube comÂments. For my monÂey, the best part comes at the 10:40 mark when she deciÂphers and reads hieroÂglyphs. Enjoy.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
How to Read Ancient EgyptÂian HieroÂglyphs: A British MuseÂum CuraÂtor Explains
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