We are regÂuÂlarÂly urged to take 10,000 steps a day. HowÂevÂer, it turns out 10,000 isn’t exactÂly a numÂber anchored in sciÂence. Rather, it’s a prodÂuct of marÂketÂing. AccordÂing to a HarÂvard medÂical webÂsite, that figÂure goes back to “1965, when a JapanÂese comÂpaÂny made a device named ManÂpo-kei, which transÂlates to ’10,000 steps meter.’ ” 10,000 likeÂly soundÂed betÂter than a more preÂcise numÂber. And so it began.
So this raisÂes the quesÂtion: what’s the ideÂal numÂber of steps accordÂing to sciÂence? Dr. I‑Min Lee, a proÂfesÂsor of medÂiÂcine at HarÂvard MedÂical School, focused on that quesÂtion and deterÂmined that morÂtalÂiÂty rates decline when women increase their steps from lowÂer levÂels (e.g., 2,000 steps) to 4,400 steps per day, with gains increasÂing until they reach 7,500 steps. From there, the gains levÂel out. (Read the JAMA study here.) MeanÂwhile, a EuroÂpean study, which monÂiÂtored 226,000 parÂticÂiÂpants, found that peoÂple who walked more than 2,337 steps daiÂly could start lowÂerÂing their risk of dying from heart disÂease. And peoÂple who walked more than 3,867 steps daiÂly could start reducÂing their risk of dying from any cause overÂall. HowÂevÂer, unlike the HarÂvard study, the EuroÂpean study found that adding more steps conÂtinÂues to lowÂer morÂtalÂiÂty rates, with gains accruÂing past 7,500 steps, and perÂhaps beyond 20,000 steps. What’s the exact sweet spot? We’ll need more research to figÂure that out. Until then, the existÂing research sugÂgests that it pays to spend time with your walkÂing shoes.
The new video above come from TED-Ed.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
It’s also a nice round numÂber that’s usuÂalÂly a reachÂable goal.
Please don’t make it into anyÂthing more than that.
I am a 70 Year old man and I norÂmalÂly walked 5,000 to 10,000 steps a day on the GreenÂway in my neighborhood.I found out after doing this for more than 7 days I began to feel a soreÂness in my right midÂdle of my back and so I take a few days off and reset, the folÂlowÂing week I startÂed my rouÂtine again,this time I have done less than 7,000 steps a day for a week and I was ok withÂout pain, after I went back to over 10,000 steps and the pain returned, with that results in mind, I limÂit my steps to 3,000 to 7,000 a day with recovÂery days in-between.