Carl Sagan Predicts the Decline of America: Unable to Know “What’s True,” We Will Slide, “Without Noticing, Back into Superstition & Darkness” (1995)

Image by Ken­neth Zirkel, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

There have been many the­o­ries of how human his­to­ry works. Some, like Ger­man thinker G.W.F. Hegel, have thought of progress as inevitable. Oth­ers have embraced a more sta­t­ic view, full of “Great Men” and an immutable nat­ur­al order. Then we have the counter-Enlight­en­ment thinker Giambat­tista Vico. The 18th cen­tu­ry Neapoli­tan philoso­pher took human irra­tional­ism seri­ous­ly, and wrote about our ten­den­cy to rely on myth and metaphor rather than rea­son or nature. Vico’s most “rev­o­lu­tion­ary move,” wrote Isa­iah Berlin, “is to have denied the doc­trine of a time­less nat­ur­al law” that could be “known in prin­ci­ple to any man, at any time, any­where.”

Vico’s the­o­ry of his­to­ry includ­ed inevitable peri­ods of decline (and heav­i­ly influ­enced the his­tor­i­cal think­ing of James Joyce and Friedrich Niet­zsche). He describes his con­cept “most col­or­ful­ly,” writes Alexan­der Bert­land at the Inter­net Ency­clo­pe­dia of Phi­los­o­phy, “when he gives this axiom”:

Men first felt neces­si­ty then look for util­i­ty, next attend to com­fort, still lat­er amuse them­selves with plea­sure, thence grow dis­solute in lux­u­ry, and final­ly go mad and waste their sub­stance.

The descrip­tion may remind us of Shakespeare’s “Sev­en Ages of Man.” But for Vico, Bert­land notes, every decline her­alds a new begin­ning. His­to­ry is “pre­sent­ed clear­ly as a cir­cu­lar motion in which nations rise and fall… over and over again.”

Two-hun­dred and twen­ty years after Vico’s 1774 death, Carl Sagan—another thinker who took human irra­tional­ism seriously—published his book The Demon Haunt­ed World, show­ing how much our every­day think­ing derives from metaphor, mythol­o­gy, and super­sti­tion. He also fore­saw a future in which his nation, the U.S., would fall into a peri­od of ter­ri­ble decline:

I have a fore­bod­ing of an Amer­i­ca in my chil­dren’s or grand­chil­dren’s time — when the Unit­ed States is a ser­vice and infor­ma­tion econ­o­my; when near­ly all the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­tries have slipped away to oth­er coun­tries; when awe­some tech­no­log­i­cal pow­ers are in the hands of a very few, and no one rep­re­sent­ing the pub­lic inter­est can even grasp the issues; when the peo­ple have lost the abil­i­ty to set their own agen­das or knowl­edge­ably ques­tion those in author­i­ty; when, clutch­ing our crys­tals and ner­vous­ly con­sult­ing our horo­scopes, our crit­i­cal fac­ul­ties in decline, unable to dis­tin­guish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost with­out notic­ing, back into super­sti­tion and dark­ness…

Sagan believed in progress and, unlike Vico, thought that “time­less nat­ur­al law” is dis­cov­er­able with the tools of sci­ence. And yet, he feared “the can­dle in the dark” of sci­ence would be snuffed out by “the dumb­ing down of Amer­i­ca…”

…most evi­dent in the slow decay of sub­stan­tive con­tent in the enor­mous­ly influ­en­tial media, the 30 sec­ond sound bites (now down to 10 sec­onds or less), low­est com­mon denom­i­na­tor pro­gram­ming, cred­u­lous pre­sen­ta­tions on pseu­do­science and super­sti­tion, but espe­cial­ly a kind of cel­e­bra­tion of igno­rance…

Sagan died in 1996, a year after he wrote these words. No doubt he would have seen the fine art of dis­tract­ing and mis­in­form­ing peo­ple through social media as a late, per­haps ter­mi­nal, sign of the demise of sci­en­tif­ic think­ing. His pas­sion­ate advo­ca­cy for sci­ence edu­ca­tion stemmed from his con­vic­tion that we must and can reverse the down­ward trend.

As he says in the poet­ic excerpt from Cos­mos above, “I believe our future depends pow­er­ful­ly on how well we under­stand this cos­mos in which we float like a mote of dust in the morn­ing sky.”

When Sagan refers to “our” under­stand­ing of sci­ence, he does not mean, as he says above, a “very few” tech­nocrats, aca­d­e­mics, and research sci­en­tists. Sagan invest­ed so much effort in pop­u­lar books and tele­vi­sion because he believed that all of us need­ed to use the tools of sci­ence: “a way of think­ing,” not just “a body of knowl­edge.” With­out sci­en­tif­ic think­ing, we can­not grasp the most impor­tant issues we all joint­ly face.

We’ve arranged a civ­i­liza­tion in which most cru­cial ele­ments pro­found­ly depend on sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy. We have also arranged things so that almost no one under­stands sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy. This is a pre­scrip­tion for dis­as­ter. We might get away with it for a while, but soon­er or lat­er this com­bustible mix­ture of igno­rance and pow­er is going to blow up in our faces.

Sagan’s 1995 pre­dic­tions are now being her­ald­ed as prophet­ic. As Direc­tor of Pub­lic Radio International’s Sci­ence Fri­day, Charles Bergquist tweet­ed, “Carl Sagan had either a time machine or a crys­tal ball.” Matt Novak cau­tions against falling back into super­sti­tious think­ing in our praise of Demon Haunt­ed World. After all, he says, “the ‘accu­ra­cy’ of pre­dic­tions is often a Rorschach test” and “some of Sagan’s con­cerns” in oth­er parts of the book “sound rather quaint.”

Of course Sagan could­n’t pre­dict the future, but he did have a very informed, rig­or­ous under­stand­ing of the issues of thir­ty years ago, and his pre­dic­tion extrap­o­lates from trends that have only con­tin­ued to deep­en. If the tools of sci­ence education—like most of the coun­try’s wealth—end up the sole prop­er­ty of an elite, the rest of us will fall back into a state of gross igno­rance, “super­sti­tion and dark­ness.” Whether we might come back around again to progress, as Giambat­tista Vico thought, is a mat­ter of sheer con­jec­ture. But per­haps there’s still time to reverse the trend before the worst arrives. As Novak writes, “here’s hop­ing Sagan, one of the smartest peo­ple of the 20th cen­tu­ry, was wrong.”

Note: An ear­li­er ver­sion of this post appeared on our site in 2017. 

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Carl Sagan Presents His “Baloney Detec­tion Kit”: 8 Tools for Skep­ti­cal Think­ing

Carl Sagan Issues a Chill­ing Warn­ing to Amer­i­ca in His Last Inter­view (1996)

Philoso­pher Richard Rorty Chill­ing­ly Pre­dicts the Results of the 2016 Elec­tion … Back in 1998

Carl Sagan Warns Con­gress about Cli­mate Change (1985)

Josh Jones is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at @jdmagness

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Comments (31)
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  • Kay says:

    Well see­ing this arti­cle is look­ing at today and our future. We have dumb­ed our chil­dren and grand­chil­dren down. They only believe in what is on tic­toc or Insta­gram. Not think­ing for them­selves. The gov­ern­ment is being run by bil­lion­aires and racist. Heav­en help our coun­try for we are in for the worst time in our coun­try his­to­ry. Pray that our young peo­ple wake up and grow a brain. Before it’s too late.

  • Kay says:

    Well see­ing this arti­cle is look­ing at today and our future. We have dumb­ed our chil­dren and grand­chil­dren down. They only believe in what is on tic­toc or Insta­gram. Not think­ing for them­selves. The gov­ern­ment is being run by and racist. Heav­en help our coun­try for we are in for the worst time in our coun­try his­to­ry. Pray that our young peo­ple wake up and grow a brain. Before it’s too late.

  • Mark says:

    Well it does­n’t help that our gov­ern­ment lies about every­thing and the news media backs it up with more lies and deceit to full what ever agen­da is in place.

  • Bob Zuruncle says:

    “His­to­ry is “pre­sent­ed clear­ly as a cir­cu­lar motion in which nations rise and fall… over and over again.””

    The past cycles did­n’t have nuclear weapons in the equa­tion. NOBODY will acknowl­edge that the col­lapse of this iter­a­tion of civ­i­liza­tion will end in glob­al nuclear war. It is the ONLY out­come.

    There isn’t going to be a 2030.

  • Ray J says:

    The Amer­i­can peo­ple have been used by our gov­ern­ment and for­eign coun­tries as a meal tick­et. Throw­ing mon­ey to every prob­lem with no regard to the peo­ple they are tak­ing it from. The Pres­i­dent today is start­ing to do audit of where all that mon­ey has gone to what coun­tries and orga­ni­za­tions. I per­son­al­ly find it inter­est­ing of the infor­ma­tion that has come about so far. I under­stand why there are so many peo­ple upset. Both par­ties are guilty. I hope they fill a big book on the dirty politi­cians and media, how they got their extra mon­ey, and what they have cov­ered up.

  • Pete says:

    This arti­cle is two years too late

  • Larry Thomas says:

    Anoth­er stu­dent of cul­ture made sim­i­lar com­ments in 1946. See Ernst Cas­sir­er’s con­clu­sion in his “Myth of the State”.

  • Teddi says:

    In hon­or of Carl Sagan, I named my sixth and last child, Sagan. I grew up in a coun­try inspired by Carl and his con­tem­po­raries. We were dis­cov­er­ing the world around us in a way that allowed the free flow of infor­ma­tion, data, and expe­ri­ences among peo­ple of extreme­ly diverse back­grounds. Every day I am increas­ing­ly con­cerned that the plat­form built on the sweat, blood, and tears of Carl and SO many oth­ers, is being method­i­cal­ly and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly destroyed. Even scari­er, it is occur­ring with the con­sent of the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Our micro­cosms are col­lid­ing at an aston­ish­ing rate, and very few are able or will­ing to com­pro­mise if there is even the slight­est hint that it cre­ates the appear­ance of weak­ness. I fear we are wit­ness­ing Car­l’s prophe­cies unfold­ing and the hos­tile takeover of the great­est nation to ever exist is already in motion. I ask myself every day, “What can I do in a pos­i­tive man­ner to slow the ero­sion of our foun­da­tion and return from the brink of implo­sion.

  • Teddi says:

    In hon­or of Carl Sagan, I named my sixth and last child, Sagan. I grew up in a coun­try inspired by Carl and his con­tem­po­raries. We were dis­cov­er­ing the world around us in a way that allowed the free flow of infor­ma­tion, data, and expe­ri­ences among peo­ple of extreme­ly diverse back­grounds. Every day I am increas­ing­ly con­cerned that the plat­form built on the sweat, blood, and tears of Carl and SO many oth­ers, is being method­i­cal­ly and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly destroyed. Even scari­er, it is occur­ring with the con­sent of the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Our micro­cosms are col­lid­ing at an aston­ish­ing rate, and very few are able or will­ing to com­pro­mise if there is even the slight­est hint that it cre­ates the appear­ance of weak­ness. I fear we are wit­ness­ing Car­l’s prophe­cies unfold­ing and the hos­tile takeover of the great­est nation to ever exist is already in motion. I ask myself every day, “What can I do in a pos­i­tive man­ner to slow the ero­sion of our foun­da­tion and return from the brink of implo­sion.

  • Rhyley says:

    I am mere­ly eigh­teen, yet like many of my peers, I fear for our coun­try’s future. Twen­ty years ago we lived in the age of infor­ma­tion, and now we live in the age of dis­in­for­ma­tion. Our igno­rance is killing us, lit­tle by lit­tle, and too many peo­ple are not wak­ing up to it, just as Dr. Sagan has pre­dict­ed. We have a pres­i­dent that is tar­get­ing less than one per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion, who has with­drawn from a glob­al orga­ni­za­tion that leads the world in med­ical tech­nol­o­gy and edu­ca­tion, and is pup­pet­ed by some of the rich­est, most pow­er­ful men in this coun­try. We are head­ing towards an oli­garchy; a coun­try where igno­rance leads, and fear con­trols. What we need, more than ever, is a rev­o­lu­tion of sci­ence — a sec­ond enlight­en­ment. We are plung­ing our­selves back into the dark ages; our mod­ern-day myths and super­sti­tions con­sist of pseu­do­science and an extreme cog­ni­tive dis­so­nance.

    To quote Carl him­self, “one of the sad­dest lessons of his­to­ry is this: If we’ve been bam­boo­zled long enough, we tend to reject any evi­dence of the bam­boo­zle.”

    How, you ask, are we being bam­boo­zled? And how are peo­ple reject­ing evi­dence of the bam­boo­zle? Who is bam­blooz­ing, and who is being bam­boo­zled? These are impor­tant ques­tions, sil­ly-sound­ing words aside. But the answers are unclear. Every­one will have a dif­fer­ent way of being bam­boo­zled, a dif­fer­ent bam­boo­zler. It is how you fig­ure out your bam­boo­zle — by a fal­si­ty, or a dis­crep­an­cy — that mat­ters. Nobody wants to be fooled, that much is clear. But before you even begin to prove your bam­boo­zle­ment, you must look deep inside it. That is the basis of skep­ti­cism, an inte­gral part of sci­en­tif­ic think­ing. The over­whelm­ing issue, how­ev­er, is that there are peo­ple who choose not to be skep­tics. They do not ask why the sky is blue; they just accept it. They do not research that video they saw on Face­book or Tik­Tok; they believe it.

    My con­clu­sion is this: if you choose to lack skep­ti­cism at every facet of life, you are going to run the risk of being bam­boo­zled at every facet of life.

  • Jim wmd says:

    In the immor­tal words of Ghan­di “When an idiot is elect­ed to pow­er, the peo­ple who vot­ed for him is well rep­re­sent­ed.”

  • Mike says:

    What does he con­sid­er “myth” and “super­sti­tion”? I believe Sagan was an athe­ist. While sci­ence is impor­tant and he’s cor­rect about man­u­fac­tur­ing leav­ing the U.S., due to glob­al­ism by the way, we must not neglect the spir­i­tu­al. We were a nation that was blessed by God, and if we’re declin­ing it’s because we have for­got­ten God and wor­shipped our­selves. Our wealth, our great­ness, our pow­er as if we came by it by our own abil­i­ties. Our pride is our down­fall. “Pro­fess­ing them­selves to be wise, they became fools” that includes Sagan.

  • paul says:

    Car­l’s words are tru­ly prophet­ic. and being unable to know “what’s true” is the direct result of this coun­try’s media push­ing their var­i­ous nar­ra­tives in direct con­flict with the objec­tive pre­sen­ta­tion of facts. these offend­ers include abc, nbc, cbs,fox and yes, npr and pri.

  • Bob's dumb says:

    lol, blah blah blah.

  • Demetrios Christopher says:

    The socioeconomic/political problems/challenges in the US are not unique to our coun­try but we were sup­posed to be “bet­ter” than the bla­tant­ly cor­rupt, poor­ly edu­cat­ed “third-world” dic­ta­tor­ships and theoc­ra­cies. How eas­i­ly pow­er, mon­ey, and greed bent the will of the rul­ing class and threw sand in the eyes of the mass­es. I’m no Carl Sagan and even I can see the pre­cip­i­tous decline in real time. It bears to note that Carl Sagan was an avid sci­ence and sci­ence fic­tion fan and had read Asimov’s Foun­da­tion ( Psy­chohis­to­ry does not paint a good pic­ture for our future. The Amer­i­can Ponzi scheme (aka “the dream”) is com­ing to an end. Author­i­tar­i­an­ism is the only way to sus­tain the oli­garchy. It will take a rev­o­lu­tion to put us back on track but good luck doing that with such a divid­ed soci­ety. The peo­ple who are choos­ing to stay blind to the world’s prob­lems are bound to suf­fer the con­se­quences… sucks for the rest of us who were will­ing and able to do bet­ter.

  • Justin Demoude says:

    But that’s just it…the gov­ern­ment DOES NOT lie about every­thing any more than a holy man always knows what is right or a doc­tor can cure any­thing. Peo­ple are fal­li­ble, it is the human con­di­tion and it is up to us, to each of us to decide what is real. Can you change the weath­er on a map with a Sharpie? Of course not, but many pow­er­ful lead­ers want you to believe they are always right. There are only two things you can trust in, grav­i­ty and your­self. Every­thing else is earned by learn­ing, observ­ing and thru expe­ri­ence. Sagan points us back to the sci­en­tif­ic method, and if the weath­er­man says it will rain he made that guess based on obser­va­tion and expe­ri­ence. The best things we have ever accom­plished as a nation came from a part­ner­ship between high­er learn­ing and gov­ern­ment, coop­er­a­tive learn­ing and coop­er­a­tive build­ing. If peo­ple no longer have faith they have not both­ered to search for it, only sulk­ing in their own sad­ness. It’s time to believe in our­selves again, we can do this!

  • David Wishengrad Exorcist, 1st class says:

    Carl had it wrong. “Life is Most Impor­tant in Life is The Most Impor­tant Truth in Life. Any­thing at all that does not agree with that Truth is always a flat out lie.

    Some peo­ple refuse to stand for life and are stand­ing on the oth­er side. That’s not every­one.

    Need­less and pre­ventable suf­fer­ing and death can only occur after the Truth that Life is Most Impor­tant has been dis­missed and sti­fled.

    A per­son who has been shared this Truth, or who makes them­selves unavail­able to get shared it, and who with­holds dis­tri­b­u­tion while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly claim­ing to rep­re­sent life’s truth­ful inter­ests any­way los­es their very soul (any pos­si­bil­i­ty of ever hav­ing gen­uine hon­est human integri­ty going for­ward for­ev­er) on the spot.

    You will nev­er receive a more impor­tant com­mu­ni­ca­tion while you live.

  • Jay-Jokhan-1 says:

    Rough­ly 50 years aback , I saw the writ­ing on the WALL! All great nations have sur­faced and then dived ! Their reliance on them­selves as the gifts to human­i­ty !!

  • Wisdom of ages says:

    The legal­iza­tion of drugs in this coun­try has moved us a giant step back­wards as far as ratio­nal think­ing and cel­e­bra­tion of intel­lect is con­cerned.

  • Doom says:

    Come to think of it, many peo­ple believe that egypt and oth­er ancient civ­i­liza­tions were far ahead of than us in their time, then maybe what the above arti­cle is talk­ing about is true.
    Those civ­i­liza­tions did fall after reach­ing the top of their knowl­edge and tech­nol­o­gy.
    The same is gonna hap­pen again, today’s youth will not be able to car­ry for­ward the sys­tem we built, our civ­i­liza­tion will fall and then it may rise again.
    This is the nev­er-end­ing cycle of life.

  • MaineCoonCats says:

    Bull­shit. Don’t believe it.

  • Pennypacker says:

    Wow, you’re com­plete­ly lost on this one. The pres­i­dent today is not doing an audit, but fol­low­ing thru on project 2025 to take com­plete con­trol of gov­ern­ment. He will lie to you to make you think he is find­ing “bad stuff”. It is an auto­crat­ic move like Putin’s Rus­sia. He and his oli­garchs will attempt to enrich them­selves while pro­vid­ing noth­ing for the peo­ple. He will again try to stay in pow­er after his term is up, claim­ing he “has to”. He is a con­man of the high­est order and lies like he breathes, with no shame what­so­ev­er.

  • Jb says:

    That is just your opin­ion or you’re a troll spread­ing mis­in­for­ma­tion as always about our cur­rent pres­i­dent. What he is try­ing to do is hold those in pow­er account­able for steal­ing our hard earned mon­ey from tax­es we pay and also revers­ing the mess they made! All the bull­shit we con­sume that was allowed bc some­one got paid off to say it’s ok when it’s some­thing that actu­al­ly kills us slow­ly! Smdh all this oli­garchy bull­shit is just that. It’s so fun­ny to me how ppl seen how evil and greedy the last admin­is­tra­tion was but yet they still act like Trump is worse even while he is expos­ing them and their lies lol still that side is spread­ing mis­in­for­ma­tion and lies about him bc he’s doing the RIGHT thing! And as some­one said ear­li­er in a com­ment I bet you haven’t even tak­en the time to research for your­self what is real­ly going on out there bc then you would see what he is try­ing to do for us and the hold that the deep state has had over our nation and gov­ern­ment for years! He with­drew from WHO bc of the hor­ri­ble things they are try­ing to do behind the scenes to con­trol us. It has been proven C‑19 was made in a US lab over­seen by Fau­ci!!! Open your damn eyes and read some­thing that has proof to it once in a while!

  • Jb says:

    a small group of peo­ple hav­ing con­trol of a coun­try, orga­ni­za­tion, or insti­tu­tion.

    Bet you didn’t even know what that meant lol they use the truth of what they have done and accuse oth­ers of it. The old bait and switch lol We were already ruled by an oli­garchy obvi­ous­ly all the big busi­ness since the 1900’s have been con­trol­ling us behind the scenes for decades and that is what Trump is try­ing to change! Sim­i­lar to what Ted­dy Roo­sevelt did in the 1900’s. Look it up! Except no one since Ted­dy has been so coura­geous to try and under­mine the pow­ers that be yet Don­ald Trump is just the con­fi­dent man we need­ed! Seri­ous­ly read some­thing, look at our history….stop lis­ten­ing to all the idiots mak­ing videos on til too and see for your­self. I just had to tell my son the same thing smh….better yet ask God to show you truth and he real­ly will! God bless, I hope you leave some­thing after read­ing this….

  • Jb says:

    I hope you *Learn some­thing

  • Steve Dunn says:

    Who is, or is not our Pres­i­dent has no affect. We just expe­ri­enced 4 years of no Pres­i­dent. What shapes our soci­ety is fam­i­lies with­out fathers, chil­dren who can­not and do not read and a school sys­tem through uni­ver­si­ty that have failed us. The love and wor­ship of mon­ey is destroy­ing the fab­ric of society,politicians become fab­u­lous­ly wealthy and our chil­dren want to become rich beyond imag­i­na­tion. No atten­tion is paid to our Spir­i­tu­al call­ing.
    It all starts at home with the fam­i­ly, the neigh­bors, the com­mu­ni­ty, the town. Put your house in order, then help your neigh­bor and then your com­mu­ni­ty. Why do we want our gov­ern­ment involved beyond infra­struc­ture and defense. Your life needs to start at home and expand through your sphere of influ­ence. You can’t con­trol what you can’t con­trol. You can make sure your chil­dren can read, under­stand sci­ence and math­e­mat­ics and learn to love their neigh­bors, com­mu­ni­ty, town..Be a bless­ing to every­one you meet today, and being hap­py isn’t feel­ing good , it is doing good.

  • Janet says:

    But we haven’t seen any account­ing of the “audit” that is being done.

  • Kay Smith says:

    There are a lot of peo­ple, most­ly men, who are igno­rant ant they vot­ed for Trump. He’s also igno­rant, as clear­ly shown in his third grade lev­el speech­es. He’s a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the igno­rance and decline in our coun­try. Get rid of Trump and at least that’s a step in the right direc­tion. We need well edu­cat­ed lead­ers who are will­ing to work togeth­er in the inter­est of the Amer­i­can peo­ple, not Trumps or Trump Repub­li­cans. They are only inter­est­ed in their own wel­fare and lin­ing their pock­ets. Trump’s a greedy old man who will only use the office to get rich­er.

  • James Felter says:

    The Gods of the Copy­book Head­ings have been catch­ing up to us for a cen­tu­ry.

    The “gods of the mar­ket place” are the sal­able advan­ta­gious flat­ter­ing lies.

    The “gods of the copy­book head­ings” are the under­ly­ing truths. Water woll sure­ly wet. Fire will sure­ly burn.

    Peo­ple want to ignore real­i­ty.
    And it always catch­es up to us and burns us.

    Kipling wrote about it in 1919. It is just as true a hun­dred years lat­er.

  • Ramon Ortiz says:

    Preva­lent today are the nar­row mind­ed and dis­en­chant­ed peo­ple who are like crabs try­ing to climb out of the pot, step­ping over their own peo­ple. Hav­ing no idea about what his­to­ry has already writ­ten about them.
    Exam­ple, Ukraine, Europe knows what’s com­ing for them. They have already expe­ri­enced it, and they have not for­got­ten it. These fools in Amer­i­ca live in igno­rance despite 9/11. Blind­ed by their own self­ish desires.
    Divide and con­quer has always been the rule, and Amer­i­cans today are the per­fect tool.

  • Frank, says:

    Right, Kay Smith !
    And any­body who has read William Shir­er’s ‘The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” could see this all com­ing!

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