Taught by Philip B. Tan, Richard EberÂhardt, Sara VerÂrilÂli and Andrew Grant, CreÂatÂing Video Games is an MIT course that “introÂduces stuÂdents to the comÂplexÂiÂties of workÂing in small, mulÂtiÂdisÂciÂpliÂnary teams to develÂop video games. StuÂdents will learn creÂative design and proÂducÂtion methÂods, workÂing togethÂer in small teams to design, develÂop, and thorÂoughÂly test their own origÂiÂnal digÂiÂtal games. Design iterÂaÂtion across all aspects of video game develÂopÂment (game design, audio design, visuÂal aesÂthetÂics, ficÂtion and proÂgramÂming) will be stressed. StuÂdents will also be required to focus test their games, and will need to supÂport and chalÂlenge their game design deciÂsions with approÂpriÂate focus testÂing and data analyÂsis.”
You can watch the 27 video lecÂtures in the playlist above, or find them on YouTube or MIT’s webÂsite. Find the sylÂlabus for the course here.
CreÂatÂing Video Games will be added to our list, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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