How to Make Your Podcasts More Mobile

That sounds like a strange propo­si­tion. Pod­casts are inher­ent­ly mobile, so what can make them more mobile? Appar­ent­ly myPod­der can. It’s a free, cross-plat­form soft­ware pack­age put out by Pod­cast Ready that has two notable advan­tages. Once you reg­is­ter and install their free soft­ware, you’ll no longer need to down­load pod­casts first to your com­put­er and then to your mp3 play­er. Instead, you’ll be able to down­load them direct­ly to your MP3 play­er via the inter­net and cut out the mid­dle step. Beyond that, myPod­der lets you update your mp3 play­er from any­where you can get an inter­net con­nec­tion. Now, you’re no longer forced to update your pod­cast col­lec­tion from one loca­tion (as is the case with iTunes). It’s all free, so give it a good look.

If you have any oth­er good tips for work­ing with pod­casts, please send them our way. Drop them in our com­ments below, or send them via email.

If you’re gen­er­al­ly won­der­ing how to work with pod­casts in the first place, please see our Pod­cast Primer.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.