Listen to 1800 Free Audio Books on Your iPhone

The iPhone just got a bit smarter. Thanks to this new, free app, you can lis­ten to 1800 free audio books on your Apple device. The app lets you lis­ten to pub­lic domain audio books from the great Lib­rivox (whose works, read by vol­un­teers, also appear in our Free Audio Books col­lec­tion). The ad-sup­port­ed soft­ware is straight­for­ward and easy to use. The only real down­side is that you’ll need access to Wi-Fi to down­load the books. (I could­n’t get things to work on Edge). But that’s not a huge impo­si­tion. You can down­load an entire book in no time, and then sim­ply take it to go. Check it out. Get some Dick­ens, Twain or Tol­stoy. And let us know your thoughts. 

P.S. If  you start a 14 day free tri­al with Audi­ble, you can down­load two free audio books. This will give you access to many cur­rent best­sellers (Mal­colm Glad­well, David Sedaris, Barack Oba­ma, etc.). Whether you stick with the mem­ber­ship (as I did), or can­cel, you can keep the free books. Get more details here.

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