The Stanford Mini Med School: A Free Course Now Online

Image by King of Hearts, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

Start­ing this past fall, Stanford’s School of Med­i­cine and Stan­ford Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies (my day job) teamed up to offer The Stan­ford Mini Med School. Fea­tur­ing more than thir­ty dis­tin­guished fac­ul­ty, sci­en­tists, and physi­cians, this year­long series of cours­es (three in total) offers stu­dents a dynam­ic intro­duc­tion to the world of human biol­o­gy, health and dis­ease, and the ground­break­ing changes tak­ing place in med­ical research and health care. 250 life­long learn­ers (like your­self) attend­ed the first course on Stan­ford’s cam­pus this fall. And you can now access it on iTunes. We’ve post­ed the first two lec­tures (in video), and eight more lec­tures will soon be com­ing online. (Update: You can now find the videos on YouTube too.) Below, I’ve added the course descrip­tion for the fall course, and you can also find it list­ed in the Biol­o­gy Sec­tion of our ever-grow­ing col­lec­tion of Free Online Cours­es. When the win­ter and spring cours­es arrive, I’ll be sure to give you a heads up.

This Fall, the Stan­ford Mini Med School will get start­ed with a jour­ney inside human biol­o­gy. We will start by famil­iar­iz­ing our­selves with the world of very small things. We will take a close look at DNA, stem cells, and microbes, and see how these and oth­er small play­ers form the build­ing blocks of the human body. This will allow us to under­stand how human organs devel­op (and can also regen­er­ate), how our ner­vous and immune sys­tems work, and how dis­eases can afflict us. From there, the course will move beyond the indi­vid­ual and take a more glob­al view of health. How do pan­demics take shape? How does the envi­ron­ment affect our col­lec­tive health? And how can we final­ly imple­ment a health­care sys­tem that makes sense for our nation? Var­i­ous experts from the Stan­ford School of Med­i­cine will address these and oth­er big pic­ture ques­tions dur­ing the first course in the Stan­ford Mini Med School.

For a descrip­tion of the cur­rent Mini Med School course (which we will even­tu­al­ly post online) please

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Comments (31)
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  • ML Cohen says:

    Dan, I am a huge fan of your blog (it is one of the very few that I fol­low). As a Med School pro­fes­sor, I was look­ing for­ward to check­ing out the Stan­ford Mini Med School. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, my com­mit­ment to open edu­ca­tion (please see web­site, above) does not include iTunes, pre­clud­ing my abil­i­ty to ben­e­fit from this resource. I do very much enjoy those resources that I can access inde­pen­dent of iTunes. Thanks, and keep up the great work!

  • ML Cohen says:


    We’ve got­ten quite a num­ber of requests for audio files, as many stu­dents like to lis­ten in the car (as do I). Will there be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to access audio down­loads sans iTunes?

    Thanks again, MLC

  • Channery says:

    I read your post and wished I was good enuogh to write it

  • burhanuddin says:

    i am in Nan­garhar med­ical fac­ul­ty in sec­ond class i want to attend anato­my and phys­i­ol­o­gy free cours­es

  • burhanuddin says:

    i want to attend free anato­my and phys­i­o­gy class­es

  • Richard kwame Ahuntor says:

    i want to offer one of your free onliñe med­ical course and i just grad­u­at­ed as a physi­cian assis­tant.

  • Dr Prince Kelechi Ihekoronye says:

    Keep up with the good works. I will like to offer free cours­es in obstet­rics and gyne­col­o­gy if avail­able.

  • Ruth Williams says:

    I real­ly wish to enter ur school

  • Dr Prince Kelechi Ihekoronye says:


  • ramana says:

    My heart­felt appre­ci­a­tion for these cours­es.
    The gen­er­ous efforts of all of you at Tuft Med
    in presenting/extending these pre­cious and
    unique gifts of knowl­edge to all the unreached
    in this world, would go a long way in enhanc­ing
    the sta­tus of health and qual­i­ty of life.Congrats!

  • ramana says:

    My heart­felt appre­ci­a­tion for these cours­es.
    The gen­er­ous efforts of all of you at Stan­ford Mini Med
    in presenting/extending these pre­cious and
    unique gifts of knowl­edge to all the unreached
    in this world, would go a long way in enhanc­ing
    the sta­tus of health and qual­i­ty of life.Congrats!

  • michael says:

    I am Michael, I dropped out of the uni­ver­si­ty at my final year I stud­ied bio­chem­istry, I wud to enroll and study some of your free med­ical cours­es

  • Jackson says:

    I would enjoy know­ing more about your Med course line-up. Any­thing to do with seniors, aging, care man­age­ment, adap­tive devices, care­giv­ing, lead­ers in their homes*


  • brender dennis says:

    Would love to take this class

  • abeer abbas says:

    Please i wish to start with free med­ical school any time.

  • cynthia says:

    do keep up the good work, i want to be your stu­dent

  • rustha says:


  • Brittany says:

    would love to take this class.

  • Michael welsh says:

    I want to be a dr

  • Eslam Elhelw says:

    I am Eslam
    med­ical stu­dent At man­soura uni­ver­si­ty in Egypt
    i want to CME Online ” Con­tin­ue med­ical edu­ca­tion ”
    i want to apply for free med­ical cours­es if avail­able .
    Thanks in advance

  • Margaret Wambugu says:

    I would like to do short online med­ical cours­es

  • B Mercy N says:

    I want to study med­i­cine but at the moment am not yet in school due to finan­cial prob­lem. I want to take part in the premed to pre­pare myself before God will­ing I start school. Pls when is the reg­is­tra­tion and how do i reg­is­ter?

  • georginia francis says:

    hi i want to do a car­di­ol­o­gist and due to finan­cial rea­sons i have not start­ed school. so pls when is reg­is­tra­tion and how do i reg­is­ter?

  • BECCA OKORIE says:

    Would realy love to be a part of this pro­gram.

  • h pisetsky says:


    Thanks for mak­ing the mini-med school resource avail­able online. I am also among the learn­ers who do at all not use iTunes.
    thanks for your con­sid­er­a­tion

  • nkwain linus says:

    pls i just had my advanced lev­el and i wish to have some online studies.thanks in advanced

  • Jessica Nancy says:

    Please, i would love the pre-med cours­es. I want to study der­ma­tol­o­gist or gynecologist/obstetrician but I want to pre­pare myself first. I would appre­ci­ate it if you will help me with the online class thanks.

  • Noor H says:

    I,m an aspir­ing doc­tor and inter­est­ed in the mini med­ical school cours­es. please update me on the grow­ing spe­cial­ties in medicine/surgery as well the path­way through med­ical school. What is the best track from start to end if such thing exist at all.


  • Lia De Marck says:

    Hel­lo, I want to be a doc­tor a gen­er­al sur­geon actu­al­ly.

  • Amina Bello says:

    New stu­dent in med­ical

  • Kudzai says:

    1st year med­ical stu­dent need help on anato­my

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.