You have undoubtÂedÂly seen one, if not many, of RSA’s catchy videos durÂing the past year. They feaÂture the words of thought leadÂers accomÂpaÂnied by the fast-movÂing aniÂmaÂtion of Andrew Park. Along the way, we have feaÂtured RSA talks by Daniel Pink, Sir Ken RobinÂson, and BarÂbara EhrenÂreÂich, among othÂers.
The RSA videos have always struck me as a good alterÂnaÂtive, or perÂhaps comÂpleÂment, to the more well-known TED videos. TED develÂoped its style of preÂsenÂtaÂtion – speakÂers preÂsentÂing on a live stage in a crisp 18 minÂutes (or less). Then RSA rolled out its disÂtincÂtive aniÂmatÂed videos. And now this: TED has Andrew Park aniÂmate Denis DutÂton’s talk – A DarÂwinÂian TheÂoÂry of BeauÂty – in RSA style. IntriguÂing talk. But a strange move on TED’s part. HopeÂfulÂly, it’s just a one-off, and not a jump-the-shark moment…
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