In Stephen SpielÂberg’s film E.T. The Extra-TerÂresÂtriÂal there is a memÂoÂrable scene in which a group of chilÂdren ask a strandÂed visÂiÂtor from outÂer space where he is from, and he tries to comÂmuÂniÂcate by using an unseen force to lift a group of balls into mid-air and move them around to simÂuÂlate a solar sysÂtem. Now a researcher at the MassÂaÂchuÂsetts InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy has tapped into the physics of magÂnetÂic levÂiÂtaÂtion to creÂate someÂthing simÂiÂlar: a comÂputÂer-conÂtrolled sysÂtem that allows users to manipÂuÂlate a metÂal sphere floatÂing in space.
“I think there is someÂthing funÂdaÂmenÂtal behind motiÂvaÂtions to libÂerÂate physÂiÂcal matÂter from gravÂiÂty and enable conÂtrol,” writes JinÂha Lee on his Web site. “The motiÂvaÂtion has existÂed as a shared dream amongst humans for milÂlenÂnia. It is an idea found in mytholoÂgies, desired by alchemists, and visuÂalÂized in SciÂence FicÂtion movies. I have aspired to creÂate a space where we can expeÂriÂence a glimpse of this future.”
Lee’s device is part of the M.I.T. TanÂgiÂble Media Group’s largÂer project of givÂing physÂiÂcal form to digÂiÂtal inforÂmaÂtion. The group strives to bring togethÂer the sepÂaÂrate worlds of bits and atoms in a TanÂgiÂble User InterÂface, or TUI, to allow peoÂple to use their natÂuÂralÂly evolved physÂiÂcal dexÂterÂiÂty to visuÂalÂize and manipÂuÂlate comÂpuÂtaÂtion. To help achieve this, Lee develÂoped a proÂgramÂmaÂble interÂface eleÂment he calls “ZeroN.” He describes it in the abstract of a paper pubÂlished last OctoÂber with colÂlabÂoÂraÂtors RehÂmi Post and Hiroshi Ishii:
ZeroN serves as a tanÂgiÂble repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion of a 3D coorÂdiÂnate of the virÂtuÂal world through which users can see, feel, and conÂtrol comÂpuÂtaÂtion. To acomÂplish this we develÂoped a magÂnetÂic conÂtrol sysÂtem that can levÂiÂtate and actuÂate a perÂmaÂnent magÂnet in a pre-defined 3D volÂume. This is comÂbined with an optiÂcal trackÂing and disÂplay sysÂtem that projects images on the levÂiÂtatÂing object. We present appliÂcaÂtions that explore this new interÂacÂtion modalÂiÂty. Users are invitÂed to place or move the ZeroN object just as they can place objects on surÂfaces. For examÂple, users can place the sun above physÂiÂcal objects to cast digÂiÂtal shadÂows, or place a planÂet that will start revolvÂing based on simÂuÂlatÂed physÂiÂcal conÂdiÂtions.
You can access the comÂplete paper as a PDF. And you can find simÂiÂlar videos when you explore our TechÂnolÂoÂgy secÂtion.
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