I spend a great deal of time visÂitÂing unfaÂmilÂiar cities, spendÂing days walkÂing, cycling, or ridÂing trains and busÂes through them. SomeÂtimes the peoÂple of these cities speak lanÂguages I know; someÂtimes they speak lanÂguages I don’t. Either way, durÂing all these hours in motion, my perÂsonÂal soundÂtrack comes from an iPod loaded with lanÂguage-learnÂing podÂcasts. If you’d like to engage in this delightÂfulÂly menÂtalÂly stimÂuÂlatÂing pracÂtice yourÂself — and I highÂly recÂomÂmend it — you can get startÂed by browsÂing Open CulÂture’s colÂlecÂtion of Free LanÂguage Lessons availÂable online. The list covÂers no fewÂer than 40 tongues, and many of the lessons come in podÂcast form. Should you find yourÂself in need of shows offerÂing BulÂgarÂiÂan surÂvival phrasÂes, instrucÂtion in Swedish expresÂsions and culÂture, or PolÂish in one minute a day, here is the list you want. From my efforts in studyÂing SpanÂish, KoreÂan, and JapanÂese, I can perÂsonÂalÂly (and strongÂly) recÂomÂmend sevÂerÂal of its offerÂings.
CofÂfee Break SpanÂish and the more advanced Show Time SpanÂish, both proÂduced by the Radio LinÂgua netÂwork (out of ScotÂland, of all places) start you off from an absolute zero of preÂsumed knowlÂedge and proÂceeds to get you up to “cruisÂing altiÂtude,” which I call the point in lanÂguage acquiÂsiÂtion at which you become able to learn from real, untransÂlatÂed speech. You might then conÂsidÂer downÂloadÂing a show like Notes in SpanÂish, and espeÂcialÂly the conÂverÂsaÂtionÂalÂly focused Notes in SpanÂish Gold. For JapanÂese, few lanÂguage podÂcasts cater to a wider variÂety of proÂfiÂcienÂcy levÂels at once than does JapanesePod101, which I supÂpleÂment with JapanÂese nationÂal broadÂcastÂer NHK’s lessons (which also come taught in quite a few lanÂguages besides EngÂlish.) And for KoreÂan, the lanÂguage that first culÂtiÂvatÂed in me this whole intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂly and socialÂly thrilling learnÂing addicÂtion, you can do no betÂter than HyunÂwoo Sun’s Talk to Me in KoreÂan, quite posÂsiÂbly the most thorÂough, freÂquent, slick, and enterÂtainÂing lanÂguage-instrucÂtion podÂcast of any kind. LisÂtenÂing to these shows has conÂvinced me that every moment spent not acquirÂing a new lanÂguage is a moment wastÂed. But even if you don’t believe anyÂthing that extreme, it’s still a lot of fun. And doing it through these free podÂcasts, you cerÂtainÂly can’t argue with the price.
Here’s our colÂlecÂtion once again: Learn 40 LanÂguages for Free: SpanÂish, EngÂlish, ChiÂnese & More
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
375 Free eBooks: DownÂload to KinÂdle, iPad/iPhone & Nook
450 Free Audio Books: DownÂload Great Books for Free
530 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties
500 Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, etc.
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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