Alan Watts began popularizing the teachings of Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism in America during the 1950s. He taught at the Academy of Asian Studies in San Francisco, wrote Way of Zen and other bestselling books, gave talks on the radio (listen here), and developed TV programs introducing Americans to the seemingly exotic practice of meditation. Don’t miss his 1960 TV program called “The Silent Mind.”
Watts died almost 40 years ago, but his legacy remains alive, partly thanks to his son, partly thanks to vintage videos captured on YouTube, and partly thanks to people like Trey Parker and Matt Stone — that’s right, the creators of South Park. There’s not much information known about them, but somewhere back in 2007, Parker and Stone produced videos that animated (audio) lectures given by Watts many moons ago. The topics deal with music, life, and philosophical personality types. Meanwhile, the aesthetic is distinctly South Parkean, minus the outrageous potty humor, of course. The project is an old favorite of ours and today we decided to bring it back.
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Great videos!
I had no idea.
I think Trey and Matt should try doing animated educational films maybe… they used the words to paint a very humorous demonstration of what Alan Watts means.
I have been a big fan of both Alan Watts and Trey Parker and Matt Stone for years. I never thought that this ever happen. Great Job!! They should produce more of Watts’s tapes.
Your videos are filled with intelligence. Some of them have told me very much. And they also have some houmor in them too. Thank you very much.
Acredito que seja interessante, utilizar esses vídeos, numa tentativa de induzir pré-adolescentes a assistir, refletir e reagir diante de um texto a ser interpretado. O entendimento quando parte do concreto ao abstrato é bem mais leve e saudável no aprendizado.
The videos need more vodka.
This is so uplifting and endearing. A trio of fine prickly goo.
my mum said this is fake and should not e allowed on the internet so y is this so uplifting AL hendo
ur a faggot