The stoÂry has become part of physics lore: A young Richard FeynÂman, future Nobel winÂner, was bored with life in the remote New MexÂiÂco desert while workÂing on the atomÂic bomb durÂing World War II, so he amused himÂself by learnÂing to pick the comÂbiÂnaÂtion locks in the supÂposÂedÂly secure filÂing cabÂiÂnets conÂtainÂing AmerÂiÂca’s nuclear secrets. As FeynÂman would latÂer write in his essay, “SafeÂcrackÂer Meets SafeÂcrackÂer”:
To demonÂstrate that the locks meant nothÂing, whenÂevÂer I wantÂed someÂbody’s report and they weren’t around, I’d just go in their office, open the filÂing cabÂiÂnet, and take it out. When I was finÂished I would give it back to the guy: “Thanks for your report.”
“Where’d you get it?”
“Out of your filÂing cabÂiÂnet.”
“But I locked it!”
“I know you locked it. The locks are no good.”
So the offiÂcials at Los AlamÂos installed cabÂiÂnets with betÂter locks. But FeynÂman studÂied the new ones sysÂtemÂatÂiÂcalÂly, and evenÂtuÂalÂly, givÂen a litÂtle time, he could open any lock at will. As a joke, he left a note in one cabÂiÂnet that said, “I borÂrowed docÂuÂment no. LA4312–Feynman the safeÂcrackÂer.”
I opened the safes which conÂtained all the secrets to the atomÂic bomb: the schedÂules for the proÂducÂtion of the pluÂtoÂniÂum, the purifiÂcaÂtion proÂceÂdures, how much mateÂrÂiÂal is needÂed, how the bomb works, how the neuÂtrons are genÂerÂatÂed, what the design is, the dimensions–the entire inforÂmaÂtion that was known at Los AlamÂos: the whole schmeer!
To learn a bit about how FeynÂman did it, watch this fasÂciÂnatÂing litÂtle video by jourÂnalÂist Brady Haran of the YouTube-fundÂed NumÂberÂphile. Haran interÂviews Roger BowÂley, emerÂiÂtus proÂfesÂsor of physics at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of NotÂtingÂham, who explains sevÂerÂal of the ingeÂnious methÂods used by FeynÂman to solve the probÂlem of crackÂing a lock with (supÂposÂedÂly) a milÂlion posÂsiÂble comÂbiÂnaÂtions. And to learn more about FeynÂman’s advenÂture as a safeÂcrackÂer, be sure to read “SafeÂcrackÂer Meets SafeÂcrackÂer,” which is includÂed in his book SureÂly You’re JokÂing, Mr. FeynÂman! and can be read on PDF by clickÂing here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Free: Richard Feynman’s Physics Course from CorÂnell (1964)
Richard Feynman’s Ode to a Flower: A Short AniÂmaÂtion
HilarÂiÂous book. And if you haven’t seen the video “we are all conÂnectÂed” with FeynÂman, check it:
Bart JorÂdan above anyÂone else was most responÂsiÂble for that file LA4312 — code name Brat.. when he was eight. Check out the details here: