PerÂhaps you live in a develÂoped nation, or a pockÂet of a develÂopÂing nation, where interÂnet access is a relÂaÂtiveÂly cheap comÂmodÂiÂty. Count yourÂself lucky. Right now, 5 bilÂlion peoÂple — or two thirds of the world’s popÂuÂlaÂtion — lack access to an affordÂable and reliÂable InterÂnet conÂnecÂtion. Which means they lack access to critÂiÂcal inforÂmaÂtion — medÂical inforÂmaÂtion that can save lives; sciÂenÂtifÂic inforÂmaÂtion that can improve farmÂing; techÂniÂcal inforÂmaÂtion necÂesÂsary to build a modÂern econÂoÂmy; and eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources that can culÂtiÂvate young minds.
With Project Loon, Google is launchÂing an audaÂcious experÂiÂment that will hopeÂfulÂly make a dent in this seriÂous probÂlem. The experÂiÂment involves putting a fleet of high-altiÂtude balÂloons into the air. PowÂered soleÂly by the wind and the sun, the balÂloons will fly high into the stratosÂphere, well above where comÂmerÂcial planes fly, and they’ll beam InterÂnet access back to the ground “at speeds simÂiÂlar to today’s 3G netÂworks or faster,” claims Google’s main blog. (The clip below explains the gist of the techÂnolÂoÂgy.) Right now, they’re runÂning a small scale test in New Zealand (in Christchurch and CanÂterÂbury, to be exact) and you can monÂiÂtor the progress over at Project Loon’s Google Plus page. In the meanÂtime, we’ll keep our finÂgers crossed and hope the entire world can soon enjoy our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online CoursÂes, not to menÂtion the othÂer ranÂdom curiosiÂties found on the web.
Thanks to Google… This Project Loon BalÂlon ConÂcept was a cool idea that has unfoldÂed by google would proÂvide much benÂeÂfits to the remote areas by conÂnectÂing them with the othÂer parts of the globe. If this is impleÂmentÂed comÂpleteÂly round the globe, then this could be the anothÂer techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal blast in the comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion secÂtor. Also the most proudÂable area in this project is, The baloon using the renewÂable engery for its surÂvival. Again Thank you google for this green conÂcept of conÂnectÂing the peoÂple globÂalÂly. nnGood post, I have ever seen. Thanks for SharÂing. Keep