Before it was a film, and before it became a clasÂsic teleÂviÂsion series, DragÂnet startÂed out as a long-runÂning radio show, airÂing from June 3, 1949, to FebÂruÂary 26, 1957. One of the most influÂenÂtial crime draÂma shows from the 50s, DragÂnet was the brainÂchild of Jack Webb, the actor, direcÂtor and screenÂwriter who played the lead role of Sergeant Joe FriÂday. We best rememÂber Joe FriÂday implorÂing female inforÂmants to proÂvide “Just the facts, ma’am.” But, in actuÂal fact, he nevÂer uttered preÂciseÂly those words. “All we want are the facts” is what he realÂly said. But I digress. Thanks to you can now travÂel back to the 50s and lisÂten to 298 episodes of the show, which was known for its realÂisÂtic depicÂtion of police work — the boreÂdom, the drudgery, the danÂger, the occaÂsionÂal acts of heroÂism, and everyÂthing in between.
Note: There were 314 episodes in total. And does not house the very first episode called “RobÂbery,” which first aired on June 3, 1949. That’s availÂable here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The War of the Worlds: Orson Welles’ 1938 Radio DraÂma That PetÂriÂfied a Nation
RayÂmond ChanÂdler & Ian FlemÂing in ConÂverÂsaÂtion (1958)
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That is the secÂond episode, comÂmonÂly mis-labeled as the first.
yes has it it is the secÂond dragÂnet it is listÂed numÂber 83
ExcelÂlent conÂtent
This is a realÂly good radio/show. Thank you for this realÂly neat webÂsite!
Do you have an interÂnet staÂtion for all of DragÂnet so I can lisÂten ? If so please give me the URL or anyÂthing else I would need to link to my radio. TIA