Charles Bukowski Uncensored

Charles Bukows­ki, the Poet Lau­re­ate of Amer­i­can Lowlife, would have cel­e­brat­ed his 94th birth­day tomor­row, almost cer­tain­ly with some beer and cig­a­rettes. (The very stuff that makes it dif­fi­cult to reach 94 — but I digress.) To mark this occa­sion, the folks behind the Blank on Blank ani­ma­tions pre­vi­ous­ly fea­tured on Open Cul­ture have cre­at­ed a video called “Charles Bukows­ki Uncen­sored.” The video ani­mates out­takes from can­did con­ver­sa­tions that took place between Bukows­ki, his wife, and the pro­duc­er of the record­ing ses­sion for the 1993 audio CD, Run With the Hunt­ed. It’s a lit­tle some­thing to hold you over until the Blank on Blank team returns with new ani­ma­tions this fall. If you’re won­der­ing, Bukows­ki died in 1994, at age 73.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Charles Bukows­ki: Depres­sion and Three Days in Bed Can Restore Your Cre­ative Juices (NSFW)

Read 113 Pages of Charles Bukowski’s FBI File From 1968

Three Charles Bukows­ki Poems Ani­mat­ed

The Last (Faxed) Poem of Charles Bukows­ki

“Don’t Try”: Charles Bukowski’s Con­cise Phi­los­o­phy of Art and Life

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