The History of Modern Art Visualized in a Massive 130-Foot Timeline

If you vis­it­ed The Tate Mod­ern in recent years, per­haps you saw the large, 130-foot art instal­la­tion cov­er­ing a con­course wall. Cre­at­ed by illus­tra­tor Sara Fanel­li, the “Tate Artist Time­line” pro­vid­ed muse­um­go­ers with a sprawl­ing roadmap show­ing the major artis­tic move­ments and impor­tant artists of the 20th cen­tu­ry, mov­ing from Art Nou­veau to more con­tem­po­rary Graf­fi­ti Art.

artist timeline

Nowa­days, you can revis­it Fanel­li’s edu­ca­tion­al time­line by pur­chas­ing a copy in a hand­some book for­mat. You can also watch the time­line play out in the video above.

Or, hap­pi­ly we’ve been informed by the Tate, there’s now an updat­ed, inter­ac­tive ver­sion installed in the muse­um. The video below gives you a pre­view:

Relat­ed Con­tent:

The His­to­ry of Phi­los­o­phy, from 600 B.C.E. to 1935, Visu­al­ized in Two Mas­sive, 44-Foot High Dia­grams

The His­to­ry of Phi­los­o­phy Visu­al­ized

6,000 Years of His­to­ry Visu­al­ized in a 23-Foot-Long Time­line of World His­to­ry, Cre­at­ed in 1871

5‑Minute Ani­ma­tion Maps 2,600 Years of West­ern Cul­tur­al His­to­ry

10 Mil­lion Years of Evo­lu­tion Visu­al­ized in an Ele­gant, 5‑Foot Long Info­graph­ic from 1931

4000 Years of His­to­ry Dis­played in a 5‑Foot-Long “His­tom­ap” (Ear­ly Info­graph­ic) From 1931

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  • Bob Price says:

    I saw this and, for a muse­um project, it’s a great resource oth­er muse­ums could use to enhance their cur­rent instal­la­tions. A VR appli­ca­tion, or even a mobile app would be excel­lent repur­pos­ing.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.