5 Hours of Free Alfred Hitchcock Interviews: Discover His Theories of Film Editing, Creating Suspense & More

hitchcock photo

Image by Fred Palum­bo, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

Here’s an audio col­lec­tion worth shar­ing with the cinephiles among you. Alfred Hitch­cock Inter­views (embed­ded below) brings togeth­er 12 inter­views record­ed over sev­er­al decades, col­lec­tive­ly run­ning five hours and four min­utes. If you need Spo­ti­fy’s soft­ware, down­load it here. Then tune into Track 3 and hear Hitch­cock describe his three the­o­ries of film edit­ing. Track 10 lets you lis­ten to his 33-minute “Mas­ters of Cin­e­ma” inter­view record­ed in 1972. And Track 12 presents a 96-minute “Mas­ter Class” on film­mak­ing. This audio col­lec­tion will be housed in our col­lec­tion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

22 Free Hitch­cock Movies Online

Watch Alfred Hitch­cock Make Cameo Appear­ances in 37 of His Films (Plus Free Hitch­cock Films Online)

The Eyes of Hitch­cock: A Mes­mer­iz­ing Video Essay on the Expres­sive Pow­er of Eyes in Hitchcock’s Films

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  • Bill W. says:

    His talk on “How to Pick-up the Lead­ing-Ladies” was his best talk of all…didn’t see it on the above list for some rea­son…

  • Roshan Kumar says:

    Hey Dan, you are doing a great job! How­ev­er, it makes me envi­ous to come across this web page because only Spo­ti­fy users can have access to this trea­sure. Please make it pos­si­ble for me in India to cher­ish it as well.

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