From the US Chess FedÂerÂaÂtion and direcÂtor JenÂny Schweitzer comes the short docÂuÂmenÂtary, The MagÂic of Chess. “Filmed at the 2019 EleÂmenÂtary Chess ChamÂpiÂonships at the Nashville OpryÂland resort, a group of chilÂdren share their uninÂhibÂitÂed, philoÂsophÂiÂcal insights about the benÂeÂfits of chess.” JenÂny Schweitzer added: “For me, as a mothÂer of a child who simÂply loves the game, it was my intenÂtion to focus not on the comÂpetÂiÂtive aspects of the chess world, but rather what a deep comÂmitÂment to chess can potenÂtialÂly offer someÂone, young or old.” If this whets your appetite, explore some of our chess resources below.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
A Free 700-Page Chess ManÂuÂal Explains 1,000 Chess TacÂtics in Plain EngÂlish
A Brief HisÂtoÂry of Chess: An AniÂmatÂed IntroÂducÂtion to the 1,500-Year-Old Game
GarÂry KasÂparov Now TeachÂing an Online Course on Chess
A BeauÂtiÂful Short DocÂuÂmenÂtary Takes You Inside New York City’s Last Great Chess Store
Vladimir Nabokov’s Hand-Drawn SketchÂes of Mind-BendÂing Chess ProbÂlems
Chess GrandÂmasÂter GarÂry KasÂparov Relives His Four Most MemÂoÂrable Games
A Human Chess Match Gets Played in Leningrad, 1924
Every perÂson should play chess. I learned as a child but didn’t start playÂing conÂsisÂtentÂly until my 30’s. I immeÂdiÂateÂly saw improveÂments in my deciÂsion makÂing. It teachÂes you how to see the bigÂger picÂture when thinkÂing