The Magic of Chess: Kids Share Their Uninhibited, Philosophical Insights about the Benefits of Chess

From the US Chess Fed­er­a­tion and direc­tor Jen­ny Schweitzer comes the short doc­u­men­tary, The Mag­ic of Chess. “Filmed at the 2019 Ele­men­tary Chess Cham­pi­onships at the Nashville Opry­land resort, a group of chil­dren share their unin­hib­it­ed, philo­soph­i­cal insights about the ben­e­fits of chess.” Jen­ny Schweitzer added: “For me, as a moth­er of a child who sim­ply loves the game, it was my inten­tion to focus not on the com­pet­i­tive aspects of the chess world, but rather what a deep com­mit­ment to chess can poten­tial­ly offer some­one, young or old.” If this whets your appetite, explore some of our chess resources below.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

A Free 700-Page Chess Man­u­al Explains 1,000 Chess Tac­tics in Plain Eng­lish

A Brief His­to­ry of Chess: An Ani­mat­ed Intro­duc­tion to the 1,500-Year-Old Game

Gar­ry Kas­parov Now Teach­ing an Online Course on Chess

A Beau­ti­ful Short Doc­u­men­tary Takes You Inside New York City’s Last Great Chess Store

Vladimir Nabokov’s Hand-Drawn Sketch­es of Mind-Bend­ing Chess Prob­lems

Chess Grand­mas­ter Gar­ry Kas­parov Relives His Four Most Mem­o­rable Games

When John Cage & Mar­cel Duchamp Played Chess on a Chess­board That Turned Chess Moves Into Elec­tron­ic Music (1968)

Mar­cel Duchamp, Chess Enthu­si­ast, Cre­at­ed an Art Deco Chess Set That’s Now Avail­able via 3D Print­er

A Human Chess Match Gets Played in Leningrad, 1924

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  • Lonnie says:

    Every per­son should play chess. I learned as a child but didn’t start play­ing con­sis­tent­ly until my 30’s. I imme­di­ate­ly saw improve­ments in my deci­sion mak­ing. It teach­es you how to see the big­ger pic­ture when think­ing

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