A heads up: Dyson has “created 44 engineering and science activities for children to try out while at home during the coronavirus pandemic, from making a balloon-powered car to building a bridge from spaghetti,” writes the Dezeen website. They go on to add: “Comprised of 22 science tasks and 22 engineering activities, the Challenge Cards can be completed by children using common household items such as eggs, string and balloons.” You can also find a related playlist of videos on YouTube, one of which appears above.
This engineering/science activities have been added to our refreshed collection, 200 Free Kids Educational Resources: Video Lessons, Apps, Books, Websites & More. If you know of any great K‑12 resources, especially ones that are always free, please add them in the comments below, and we will try to add them to the list.
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I’ve found a lot of good resources for kids at ProjectKid.com
Please add me to the list
Hi — We’re a NZ organisation that normally distributed free learning kits to classrooms. At the moment we’re in lockdown in NZ so we set up a Facebook Group — School Kit at home. We’re posting 4 times daily — free activities you can do with basic materials with your kids at home. We’re famous for never giving our teachers worksheets, word finds or colouring in pages so we’re not doing that here either. Everything is on a Watch, Talk, Do model and is designed to be done in your “bubble”. We’ve had loads of Aussie families join. Not sure if it is helpful School Kit at Home on Facebook or posting daily summaries https://www.schoolkit.co.nz/ideas-to-steal
I New a science kit for my kid can i please have one Andreas 1402 35th
I New a science kit for my kid can i please have one address 1402 35th
Can you please put me on the list for a 1XL pre‑K
My son Rowan made a marble run from the video- they said they’d like to see examples of what kids are doing! Where do we send that?
Sarah Porter
I would love my 13 yr old daughter to try one of these projects!😀