Taschen Publishes the First 21 Stories of Spider Man in a High Resolution, Extra-Large Format Art Book

Mar­vel Comics and art book pub­lish­er TASCHEN have announced an agree­ment to pub­lish Marvel’s rarest clas­sic comics “in their orig­i­nal glo­ry, in an extra-large for­mat.” And it all starts with Spi­der Man. The first vol­ume in the Mar­vel-TASCHEN series repro­duces the first 21 sto­ries of Spi­der Man, orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished between 1962–1964. TASCHEN has attempt­ed to “cre­ate an ide­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion of these books as they were pro­duced at the time of pub­li­ca­tion.” The edi­tions fea­ture super-high-res­o­lu­tion pho­tographs of each page, “using mod­ern retouch­ing tech­niques to cor­rect prob­lems with the era’s inex­pen­sive, imper­fect print­ing.”

You can explore the new Spi­der Man edi­tions here. The next titles in ‘The Mar­vel Comics Library’ series will be Avengers. Vol. 1. 1963–1965, Fan­tas­tic Four. Vol. 1. 1961–1963 and Cap­tain Amer­i­ca. They’re sched­uled for release in 2022 and 2023. Keep an eye out…

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Every Spi­der-Man Movie and TV Show Explained By Kevin Smith

Hear an Hour of the Jazzy Back­ground Music from the Orig­i­nal 1967 Spi­der-Man Car­toon

The Math­e­mat­ics of Spi­der­man and the Physics of Super­heroes

Free: Down­load 15,000+ Free Gold­en Age Comics from the Dig­i­tal Com­ic Muse­um

How to Make Comics: A Four-Part Series from the Muse­um of Mod­ern Art

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