Robert van EmbricÂqs, a designÂer based in AmsÂterÂdam, has creÂatÂed The Flow Wall Desk–a woodÂen decÂoÂraÂtion that “transÂforms from a piece of art on the wall into a funcÂtionÂal desk by showÂing off its unique aesÂthetÂic.” On his site, he writes:
The Flow Wall Desk acknowlÂedges the potenÂtial how to comÂbine funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty with art. This results in creÂatÂing a desk inside one’s indoor enviÂronÂment. And only with one twist, it becomes a true joy to have a sepÂaÂrate workÂing area when needÂed. It can be subÂscribed as a piece of funcÂtionÂal art that builds on the design track record of transÂforÂmaÂtions in space. HowÂevÂer, this one offers a part of the inteÂriÂor that shifts with time: a cozy workÂspace durÂing the day becomes a comÂpact wall hangÂing after being used.
Inspired by recent globÂal events and the longer-term trends that preÂcede them, to devise a stateÂment piece that lends digÂniÂty to the digÂiÂtal workÂspace through craft, warm texÂtures, and durably engiÂneered fasÂtenÂings. The Flow Wall Desk is adaptÂable and with the conÂtemÂpoÂrary design eleÂments, it can be used throughÂout homes, libraries, hotels, and many othÂer inside desÂigÂnaÂtions. DurÂing the design process, van EmbricÂqs strove to merge the desk’s exeÂcuÂtion with its design forÂmuÂla by creÂatÂing a coheÂsive whole.
UsabilÂiÂty demands that an everyÂday object such as this should be creÂatÂed with a genÂerÂalÂized user’s psyÂcholÂoÂgy in mind. VerÂtiÂcal eleÂment emerges from the wall like a caterÂpilÂlar with the help of specifÂiÂcalÂly placed hinges. These exposed brass hinges estabÂlish a visuÂal rhythm and ensure that the form can folÂlow its funcÂtion. This led to the notion of a transÂforÂmaÂtion in form and purÂpose achieved through a sinÂgle, simÂple gesÂture that everyÂone can familÂiarÂize themÂselves with. With a sinÂgle turn by hand around its axis, a tableÂtop is creÂatÂed and once in its horÂiÂzonÂtal posiÂtion, the tableÂtop is supÂportÂed by woodÂen slats, creÂatÂing a more natÂurÂal look and organÂic effect that also serves as a screen for more priÂvaÂcy.
The horÂiÂzonÂtal work surÂface is comÂfortÂable yet funcÂtionÂal due to its depth and width for the seatÂed user and makÂing it perÂfect for typÂing and handÂwritÂing. FinalÂly, a unique opporÂtuÂniÂty is creÂatÂed for a temÂpoÂrary work surÂface and ergonomÂiÂcalÂly adjustable desk in a sunÂny corÂner which invites the user to fold that desk away when work is over.
With the finÂished design appearÂance, more susÂtainÂable mateÂrÂiÂal develÂopÂments are being examÂined and anaÂlyzed for proÂducÂtion. And when it comes to funcÂtionÂalÂiÂty, each part of the Flow Wall desk has been specifÂiÂcalÂly engiÂneered withÂout losÂing the appeal to attract, just like a foldÂing magÂic trick with a well-kept secret.
You can purÂchase your own Flow Wall desk (for about $2850) via Robert’s webÂshop here. And find more of his work on InstaÂgram here.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
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