Ask anyÂone who’s travÂeled to the Great PyraÂmids of Giza: no matÂter how many times you’ve seen them in phoÂtographs or on teleÂviÂsion, you’re nevÂer realÂly preÂpared to come face-to-face with them in real life. But you can get fairÂly close to at least the appearÂance of real life by seeÂing the PyraÂmids in 4k resÂoÂluÂtion, as they’re preÂsentÂed in the video above from travÂel, archiÂtecÂture, and hisÂtoÂry YoutuÂber Manuel BraÂvo (preÂviÂousÂly feaÂtured here on Open CulÂture for his explaÂnaÂtion of FilÂipÂpo Brunelleschi’s dome atop the FloÂrence CatheÂdral). This isn’t just vacaÂtion footage: BraÂvo tells the stoÂry of the PyraÂmids, puts them in conÂtext, and even incorÂpoÂrates virÂtuÂal re-creÂations of what they would have looked like in their heyÂday.
We know the PyraÂmids as iconÂic ruins, undoubtÂedÂly mighty but also seriÂousÂly dilapÂiÂdatÂed. When they were built in the 26th cenÂtuÂry BC, they were covÂered in white limeÂstone exteÂriÂor shells, givÂing them the strikÂingÂly smooth if chroÂmatÂiÂcalÂly reversed appearÂance of a 2001-style monoÂlith — a charÂacÂterÂisÂtic that no doubt encourÂages cerÂtain theÂoÂrists who imagÂine the conÂstrucÂtion process as havÂing been exeÂcutÂed by beings from outÂer space.
The techÂniÂcalÂly inclined BraÂvo preÂsumÂably has litÂtle time for such notions, fillÂing the video as he does with details about the archiÂtecÂture and engiÂneerÂing of the PyraÂmids, many of them thorÂoughÂly human in nature, such as the delibÂerÂateÂly conÂfusÂing pasÂsageÂways meant to throw off plunÂderÂers.
Along with high-resÂoÂluÂtion footage and renÂderÂings of what the PyraÂmids looked like then and look like now, BraÂvo also includes his own on-foot exploÂrations, showÂing us corÂners of the comÂplex (and one espeÂcialÂly clausÂtroÂphobe-unfriendÂly tunÂnel) that we don’t norÂmalÂly see unless we take a tour ourÂselves. This close-up perÂspecÂtive gives him the opporÂtuÂniÂty to conÂnect the modÂern human expeÂriÂence of these ancient monÂuÂments to their vast scale and hisÂtorÂiÂcalÂly disÂtant conÂcepÂtion. To be awed and even overÂwhelmed is perÂhaps the most natÂurÂal response to the PyraÂmids, and for some, it’s worth the trip to expeÂriÂence that feelÂing alone. For othÂers, answerÂing the quesÂtion of exactÂly how and why they awe and overÂwhelm becomes the work of a lifeÂtime.
RelatÂed conÂtent:
A WalkÂing Tour Around the PyraÂmids of Giza: 2 Hours in Hi Def
Take a 360° InterÂacÂtive Tour Inside the Great PyraÂmid of Giza
Take a 3D Tour Through Ancient Giza, IncludÂing the Great PyraÂmids, the Sphinx & More
The GrateÂful Dead Play at the EgyptÂian PyraÂmids, in the ShadÂow of the Sphinx (1978)
Based in Seoul, ColÂin Marshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.
What utter rubÂbish 2million stone blocks weighÂing 2–6 tonnes built in 25 years, thats virÂtuÂalÂly 1 block every two minÂutes 8 hours a day 365 days a year.
I find his comÂmenÂtary irriÂtatÂing and difÂfiÂcult to underÂstand his EngÂlish is not well articÂuÂlatÂed and has strange emphases he needs to pracÂtise norÂmal EngÂlish speakÂing.
White civÂiÂlizaÂtion.
Thank the Lord for difÂferÂences in culÂtures. How borÂing it would have been if we were all the same.
Very interÂestÂing!
Maybe you need to work on your EngÂlish?
Thanks for the vid. HowÂevÂer, the assumpÂtion that the enviÂronÂment was already a sandy dessert a few milÂlenÂnia ago is quesÂtionÂable.
Wow.… Super
ActuÂalÂly. It was a sandy desert. The EgypÂtians saw the west as the place of the dead. Because that’s where the sun sets, and that area was barÂren sand. The east was the lush Nile. This is well known, to those who know.
I realÂly do not underÂstand why everyÂone online feels they need to take lil jabs and digs at peoÂple who leave comÂments. Stop tryÂing to scream to the world how much you think you know… and how wrong othÂer peoÂple are. When did this become a form of comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion? AttackÂing peoÂple does not make you look more intelÂliÂgent. It’s ok to give your opinÂions or your theÂoÂries and it’s NOT ok to pounce on othÂer peoÂple’s stances. This modÂern day hate speech is beyond unproÂducÂtive and is the reaÂson why we can’t seem to get any of our major quesÂtions answered. SepÂaÂrate yourÂself from knowlÂedge. YOU are meanÂingÂless when it comes to seekÂing truth.
We all know they weren’t built by EgypÂtians 2000 odd years ago, time to tell the real truth when they were built and why!!
Black peoÂple built pyraÂmids not aliens or whatÂevÂer they say. ModÂern Arab lookÂing EgyptÂian peoÂple are not origÂiÂnalÂly from Africa.The Pharoah and all mumÂmies are black peoÂple. The Greeks took EgyptÂian Gods and made them their own. We’re the fathers of science,art and civÂiÂlizaÂtion period.We shall not feed on your lies anyÂmore. Black peoÂple are wakÂing up. The genoÂcide you’ve been doing since before slavÂery has claimed bilÂlions of black lives.
I feel like they may have put a litÂtle more work into their day back then, and proÂlÂly worked 24 hrs a day. Keep in mind that the peoÂple to said to be doing the labour was slaves so I’m sure they weren’t doing an 8 hr shift with a tidy lunch break John! Haha