From the RoyÂal SociÂety comes a short primer on snowflakes. NarÂratÂed by physiÂcist BriÂan Cox, the video explains how they form, and why no two snowflakes have the exact same dimenÂsions. It also recounts how Johannes Kepler develÂoped a groundÂbreakÂing theÂoÂry about the hexagÂoÂnal shape of snowflakes in 1611–one proved right 400 years latÂer. And then comes the kickÂer: snowflakes aren’t actuÂalÂly white; they’re clear.
Along the way, Cox refÂerÂences the first phoÂtographs of snowflakes. You can find our post on those 1885 phoÂtographs here.
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