Gustavo Dudamel with the Vienna Philharmonic: A Free Live Webcast

Mark this on your cal­en­dar. This com­ing Sat­ur­day, at 7:30 a.m. Cal­i­for­nia time, Gus­ta­vo Dudamel (soon to open the 2010-11 sea­son of the Los Ange­les Phil­har­mon­ic) will con­duct a con­cert with the Vien­na Phil­har­mon­ic at the Lucerne Fes­ti­val in Switzer­land. As the LA Times reports, the con­cert will be web­cast live for free at It will also be avail­able for 90 days on demand. Pieces will include Rossini’s over­ture to “La gaz­za ladra,” Orbón’s “Tres ver­siones sin­fóni­cas,” Bern­stein’s “Diver­ti­men­to for Orches­tra” and Rav­el’s “Pavane pour une infante défunte” and “Boléro.”

via Cul­ture Mon­ster

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.