Jake Shimabukuro Plays “Bohemian Rhapsody” on the Uke

If you’ve nev­er seen Jake Shimabukuro han­dle the ukulele before, you’re in for a lit­tle treat. Known for his com­plex fin­ger­work, the ukulele vir­tu­oso now tours with Jim­my Buf­fet and has record­ed with Yo-Yo Ma. Mean­while his fab record­ing of “While My Gui­tar Gen­tly Weeps” has clocked 7,000,000 views on YouTube, all of which sets the stage for this: Shimabukuro bring­ing his act to the TED 2010 stage. For more ukulele fun, don’t miss The Com­plete Bea­t­les on Ukulele.

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