MIT OpenCourseWare Launches iPhone App

Last week, MIT Open­Course­Ware offi­cial­ly released its Lec­ture­Hall iPhone app. Put sim­ply, the free app gives you mobile access to MIT video lec­tures. It even lets you down­load lec­tures straight to your phone (handy for times when you may not have con­nec­tiv­i­ty). Anoth­er plus: the Lec­ture­Hall iPhone app adds a social dimen­sion to the learn­ing expe­ri­ence. Face­book inte­gra­tion, dis­cus­sion forums, rat­ings & reviews of indi­vid­ual videos – they’re all lay­ered in. And, just in case you’re won­der­ing, an Android ver­sion of the Lec­ture­Hall app is in the works.

Now a quick plug: Feel free to down­load our Free iPhone app, which includes free audio books, online cours­es, for­eign lan­guage lessons, and intel­li­gent pod­casts. Or, bet­ter yet, sim­ply vis­it Open Cul­ture with your smart phone and get lots of smart media wher­ev­er you go…

Relat­ed Con­tent:

350 Free Online Cours­es from Great Uni­ver­si­ties

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.