Charlie Chaplin Mini Film Festival

A few things to know about Char­lie Chap­lin. He starred in over 80 films, reel­ing off most dur­ing the silent film era. In 1914 alone, he act­ed in 40 films, then anoth­er 15 in 1915. By the 1920s, Chap­lin had emerged as the first larg­er-than-life movie star, if not the most rec­og­niz­able per­son on the plan­et.

The actor still holds enough cul­tur­al sway that Google gave him a spe­cial doo­dle for his birth­day last week. And now we give you a 4‑in‑1 col­lec­tion of Chap­lin films. Cre­at­ed in 1938, this mini film fes­ti­val, run­ning 46 min­utes, presents The Adven­tur­er, The Cure, Easy Street and The Immi­grant, all filmed in 1917. (Find an alter­nate ver­sion here.) Plus if you head into our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online, you will find anoth­er 10 Chap­lin films, all free. Just scroll down to the Silent Film sec­tion, and you’ll be on your way…

via Curios­i­ty Counts

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  • guest says:

    Just want­ed to point out that cred­it­ing Chap­lin as pure­ly an ‘actor’ sells him a bit short as he also direct­ed his films and, as he was a bit of a per­fec­tion­ist about it, also did things like com­pose the music. He is an impor­tant film­mak­er and one of the best ear­ly direc­tors :)

  • Jon Danzig says:

    Char­lie Chap­lin was the world’s fun­ni­est man, and a com­ic genius. I’ve just uploaded to YouTube a 4‑minute film that I wrote and direct­ed called, “Lon­don Remem­bers Char­lie Chap­lin”. It cel­e­brates the lit­tle man’s birth in Lon­don in 1889, because of course Char­lie Chap­lin was a Lon­don­er. :)

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