Foo Fighters “Perform” for Westboro Baptist Church

If you’re not famil­iar with The West­boro Bap­tist Church, it’s a hate group seem­ing­ly mas­querad­ing as a reli­gious orga­ni­za­tion based in Tope­ka, Kansas. It has only 71 mem­bers, most­ly from the same fam­i­ly, and they’re known for taste­less­ly trav­el­ing across the U.S. and protest­ing against homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and gay rights at the funer­als of fall­en U.S. sol­diers. A log­i­cal con­nec­tion, right?

In late August, the “church” brought its mem­bers to Kansas City to protest at the Foo Fight­ers con­cert, cit­ing the band’s sup­port of “for­ni­ca­tion, adul­tery, idol­a­try and fags.” And the band did­n’t back down. Dave Grohl & Co. sang a mock­ing ver­sion of a homo­erot­ic tune Keep It Clean (above), all while wear­ing the same truck­er garb they had worn in a NSFW video to pro­mote their “Hot Buns” tour. The “Hot Buns” video (below) was shot around the same time, seem­ing­ly also to tweak the West­boro clan. Watch the cen­sored ver­sion below, and the uncen­sored ver­sion here.

via @jessebdylan

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