Disneyland 1957: A Little Stroll Down Memory Lane

It’s more than a theme park. It’s an icon­ic Amer­i­can insti­tu­tion, a sym­bol of an imag­ined Gold­en Age in Amer­i­can his­to­ry, and a site of many good child­hood mem­o­ries. We’re talk­ing about Dis­ney­land. Con­struc­tion began in July 1954 in rur­al Ana­heim, Cal­i­for­nia, and the park opened but a year lat­er in July 1955. And, thanks to this new­ly-cleaned up piece of footage, you can see Walt’s “mag­i­cal park” just a short two years lat­er. The babies in the strollers are like­ly grand­par­ents today. But the park still looks much the same. Dis­ney His­to­ry Insti­tute offers more com­men­tary on the clip here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Walt Dis­ney Presents the Super Car­toon Cam­era

How Walt Dis­ney Car­toons Are Made

Disney’s Oscar-Win­ning Adven­tures in Music

Don­ald Duck Wants You to Pay Your Tax­es (1943)

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