ForÂget gravÂiÂty. ForÂget even irony. The uniÂverse knows no greater force, as it were, than the colÂlecÂtive enthuÂsiÂasm of Star Wars fans. 35 years after the first of them came out, the films’ powÂer to inspire remains unsetÂtlingÂly immeÂdiÂate and wideÂspread. Or at least that goes for the origÂiÂnal trilÂoÂgy of Star Wars movies, the first of which, A New Hope, underÂwent a popÂuÂlar fan-made remake in 2009. The result, Star Wars Uncut, didÂn’t come as the project of a sinÂgle enterÂprisÂing afiÂcionaÂdo plopÂping himÂself into the George Lucas seat, but as a fulÂly “crowd-sourced” motion picÂture assemÂbled out of fifÂteen-secÂond clips shot by conÂtribÂuÂtors called to action by one Casey Pugh. The hypÂnotÂic result, whose final cut first screened earÂliÂer this year and which you can watch above, offers Star Wars as patchÂwork quilt, the conÂstrucÂtion of its squares rangÂing from delibÂerÂateÂly lo-fi (not to menÂtion non-delibÂerÂateÂly lo-fi) to surÂprisÂingÂly credÂiÂble.
With one down, the next two of those beloved movies await. The Empire Strikes Back Uncut, whose trailÂer appears just above, has now offiÂcialÂly opened to conÂtribÂuÂtors, who can claim a fifÂteen-secÂond segÂment of their own to re-creÂate. They get thirÂty days to subÂmit the fruit of their cinÂeÂmatÂic labors, and then the entire film re-opens to accept anothÂer round of subÂmisÂsions. This might seem like the kind of irrevÂerÂent homage that would irk the creÂator of the origÂiÂnal, but LucasÂfilm has actuÂalÂly endorsed the project this time around. Will their involveÂment extinÂguish the underÂground scrapÂpiÂness of the earÂliÂer effort? Will fans choke under the aweÂsome responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of reinÂterÂpretÂing The Empire Strikes Back, that most respectÂed of all Star Wars propÂerÂties? They’re quesÂtions of import to a true believÂer, though that believÂer might take solace in the top-votÂed reacÂtion in Star Wars Uncut’s YouTube comÂments: “Still betÂter than The PhanÂtom MenÂace.”
via MetaFilÂter
RelatÂed conÂtent:
Star Wars Retold with Paper AniÂmaÂtion
ColÂin MarÂshall hosts and proÂduces NoteÂbook on Cities and CulÂture. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall.
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