75 Years of Superman in 2 Minutes

As we told you this sum­mer, Super­man is cel­e­brat­ing his 75th Anniver­sary this year. And to help com­mem­o­rate this mile­stone, “Man of Steel direc­tor Zack Sny­der teamed up with artist and ani­ma­tor extra­or­di­naire Bruce Timm to cre­ate a two-minute short that traces the Man of Steel’s his­to­ry from Superman’s debut on the cov­er of 1938’s Action Comics #1 all the way to Hen­ry Cav­ill in Man of Steel.” After you watch the video, you’ll want to head over to DC Comics, where they’ve cre­at­ed a long list of anno­ta­tions that explain the some­times sub­tle ref­er­ences in the short. You’ll also want to revis­it our post where we fea­tured Super­man (or The Mad Sci­en­tist), the 1941 film that marked Super­man’s first appear­ance on the big screen. Plus you can lis­ten to the Adven­tures of Super­man radio dra­ma that aired between 1938 and 1951. Enjoy the trib­ute.

via Metafil­ter

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Cel­e­brate Superman’s 75th Anniver­sary by Enjoy­ing the Orig­i­nal Super­man Car­toon and Radio Show

The Mechan­i­cal Mon­sters: Sem­i­nal Super­man Ani­mat­ed Film from 1941 (by Maria Popo­va)

A Look Inside Mel Blanc’s Throat as He Per­forms the Voic­es of Bugs Bun­ny and Oth­er Car­toon Leg­ends

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.