Watch the New Trailer for the Upcoming Joan Didion Documentary, We Tell Ourselves Stories In Order to Live

It did­n’t take long, only 25 hours, for Grif­fin Dunne and Susanne Ros­tock to raise enough mon­ey on Kick­starter to com­plete a doc­u­men­tary on nov­el­ist and essay­ist Joan Did­ion. Ini­tial­ly hop­ing to raise $80,000, they’ve already received com­mit­ments exceed­ing $211,000, and they still have four days to go.

We Tell Our­selves Sto­ries In Order to Live will be the first and only doc­u­men­tary about Joan Did­ion. And it will be made with Joan, using her own words.  The trail­er for the doc­u­men­tary just pre­miered on Vogue. It’s fit­ting, see­ing that Did­ion land­ed her first job, at Vogue, after win­ning an essay con­test spon­sored by the mag­a­zine. She also pub­lished her sem­i­nal essay, ““On Self Respect” in Vogue in 1961.

You can watch the trail­er above. Also don’t miss our roundup from ear­li­er this year: 13 Mas­ter­ful Essays by Joan Did­ion Free Online

via @michikokakutani

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