An Animated Carol Dweck on Why Parents Who Tell Their Kids How Smart They Are Aren’t Doing Them Any Favors

After a long hia­tus, the RSA (The Roy­al Soci­ety for the Encour­age­ment of Arts, Man­u­fac­tures and Com­merce) has returned with anoth­er one of the white­board ani­mat­ed-lec­tures they pio­neered five years ago.

The orig­i­nal set of videos, you might recall, fea­tured Slavoj Zizek on the Sur­pris­ing Eth­i­cal Impli­ca­tions of Char­i­ta­ble Giv­ing; Bar­bara Ehren­re­ich (author of Nick­el and Dimed) on The Per­ils of Pos­i­tive Psy­chol­o­gyDaniel Pink on The Sur­pris­ing Truth About What Moti­vates Us, and Stan­ford psy­chol­o­gist Philip Zim­bar­do on The Secret Pow­ers of Time.

The ani­mat­ed reboot (above) brings to life the thoughts of anoth­er Stan­ford psy­chol­o­gy pro­fes­sor, Car­ol S. Dweck. The author of Mind­set: The New Psy­chol­o­gy of Suc­cess (a book that appeared on Bill Gates’s Best of 2015 list), Dweck has looked close­ly at how our beliefs/mindsets strong­ly influ­ence the paths we take in life. And, in this clip, she talks about how well-mean­ing par­ents, despite their best inten­tions, might be cre­at­ing the wrong mind­sets in their kids, paving the way for prob­lems down the road. You can watch the com­plete, unan­i­mat­ed lec­ture here.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Good Cap­i­tal­ist Kar­ma: Zizek Ani­mat­ed

Daniel Pink: The Sur­pris­ing Truth about What Moti­vates Us

Good Cap­i­tal­ist Kar­ma: Zizek Ani­mat­ed

The Secret Pow­ers of Time

Free Online Psy­chol­o­gy & Neu­ro­science Cours­es

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.